On Monday, there will be another consultation between Merkel and the sixteen state prime ministers about the corona policy to be pursued, which in many respects is in the hands of the federal states. As usual, different views lead to different measures in the regions. Saarland, for example, started radical relaxation this week on its own initiative, much to Merkel’s annoyance. She has previously alluded to federal legislation to take away the states’ powers in corona policy.
Merkel’s party colleague Armin Laschet, who is not only Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, but also the new leader of the Christian Democrats, launched the name ‘bridge lockdown’ during the Easter days. It should be a two to three week period throughout the Federal Republic during which the population would be subject to a great many restrictions and a great many people would be vaccinated.
Lunch Update
An update of the most important news every day during lunch.