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Merito Partners and Saules Energy Promote Latvia’s Energy Independence with Zilupes SES Solar Power Plant

The Latvian investment company “Merito Partners” (“Merito”) together with the developer of renewable energy projects “Saules Energy” have taken an important step towards promoting Latvia’s energy independence – at the beginning of July, the solar power plant “Zilupes SES” started working in Latgale, on the border. It is able to provide “green” electricity to 1,300 households. Almost two million euros of local capital have been invested in the creation of the solar power plant.

The solar power plant “Zilupes SES” was built in Zaļesjes parish of Ludza county, on the border with the town of Zilupes. Its capacity is 2.8 MW, which will in the future provide “green” electricity to at least 1,300 households in Zilupe and its surroundings. The additionally produced electricity is available to the residents of Ludza and other regions of Latvia.


Andris Kulbergs, chairman of the Saeima Environment, Climate and Energy subcommittee emphasizes: “The opening of an ambitious solar power plant on the border symbolically confirms our country’s path to energy independence, which is critically important at the moment. Historically, summer months in Latvia have always had the largest electricity deficit, which had to be replaced by electricity imports, now environmentally friendly electricity is obtained instead.”

With the opening of “Zilupe SES”, Ludza district is the first of the few municipalities that already this year takes tangible steps in promoting Latvia’s energy independence with the help of renewable energy resources. “Ludza district has become an example of good practice in the use of solar energy in Latvia. A solar power plant of this scale is not only economically beneficial, but also environmentally and socially friendly, which is an important step in the direction of sustainability”, says Edgars Mekš, Chairman of the Ludza County Council.

“Zilupes SES” is the first of eight solar power plants in the ambitious Latvian green electricity project implemented by the “Merito Sustainable Energy FUND I” investment fund. Experienced experts from the company “Saules Energy” have been engaged for the implementation of the plan. Two million euros were invested in the creation of “Zilupes SES” – this is both the investment of more than 45 Latvian investors and a loan of one million euros from AS “Signet Bank”.

Mikus Janvars, co-founder and managing partner of “Merito”: “Promoting Latvia’s energy independence with the help of renewable energy resources is an initiative of local entrepreneurs and investors. The opening of “Zilupe SES” is its first step – “Merito” will invest a total of 50 million euros in the creation of eight new SES in the regions of Latvia. They will produce at least 70,000 MWh of electricity per year, supplying more than 35,000 households throughout Latvia with green energy.”

It is planned that by the end of this year, six more SES will be put into operation in different regions of Latvia with a total capacity of 55 MW, while one solar power plant will be commissioned in 2024.

2023-07-09 05:01:30
#ambitious #solar #power #plant #opened #Ludza #region

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