Home » today » Business » Merger Bankia and CaixaBank: how does it affect the conditions, terms and rates of the mortgage?

Merger Bankia and CaixaBank: how does it affect the conditions, terms and rates of the mortgage?

When the 12th of November Bankia and CaixaBank carry out the technological integration to complete your merger, the conditions of some products will change, with which many doubts have arisen among customers. Among the most relevant questions is that of what will happen to the mortgages contracted before the unification of both entities.

In this sense, customers can rest assured, since the conditions agreed in the deeds cannot be modified, as you remember HelpMyCash. In this way, the same deadlines, interest rates, additional products to reward them, the commissions… Likewise, there is no no danger of losing your home, except if there are defaults, as usual.

Also, there are mortgage-related products To get one interest rate subsidysuch as home, life, or payment protection insurance. In these cases, the amount of the premiums could vary and the client could cancel these services if you are not satisfied, although I would lose the bonuses and would suffer a increase in your mortgage payments.

What happens to the account to pay the mortgage?

If we use a account exclusively to pay the mortgage and all its associated expenses, “its maintenance commission will always be the established in writing mortgage ”. Instead, if we use another account to pay the monthly payments, like a payroll account, “their conditions could change after the merger ”. Nevertheless, the bank is obliged to communicate said modification to affected customers.

What about home loans that have already been paid off?

In case of paid off the mortgage debt, is will continue to appear as paid for the acquiring entity once the merger is completed. Instead, if the mortgage has not yet been paid in full, the portal specialized in finance advises cancel it by registration before the technological integration, “Well, otherwise, certain procedures would be complicated: we would have difficulties to obtain the zero debt certificate, they could close our office … “

What to do if the new entity does not convince

Those clients who are not satisfied with the changes that will take place after the merger will have the possibility change bank mortgage for negotiate conditions from scratch and avoid the possible increase in the price of the link, in other aspects.

In any case, “we should keep all the documentation (the mortgage deed, pre-contractual information, etc.) to be able to claim in case they modify us some aspect that cannot be changed”, He points out HelpMyCash. If these papers are lost, clients can request a copy from the notary.

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