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Meret Oppenheim’s path to becoming an established artist

Long waiting for an echo: Meret Oppenheim’s path to becoming an established artist

For a long time Meret Oppenheim was only perceived as a muse and model. Then she frees herself from constraints and duties and finds great resonance for her own art.

Meret Oppenheim in 1972 at the opening of her exhibition in Duisburg with the “Fur Cup” from 1936.

Source: akg-images / Brigitte Hellgoth / © 2021, ProLitteris, Zurich.

Meret Elisabeth Oppenheim was born on October 6, 1913 as the daughter of a German-Jewish doctor in Berlin. She spends the war years with her mother in Delémont, where Wenger’s grandparents run a knife factory. She is brought up as a Protestant. After the war, the parents move to Steinen im Wiesental, where the father runs a practice. Meret is also often in Ticino, in Carona near Lugano, where Wenger’s grandparents own a large house. Here she comes into contact with artists; her aunt is even briefly married to Hermann Hesse. Grandmother Lisa Wenger is an important role model: she attended the art academy in Düsseldorf, is a painter, author and committed women’s rights activist.

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