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Mercury retrograde 2021: its benefits for your decisions

This article is an excerpt from the book Mercury Retrogade, A Practical Guide to Turning Chaos to Your Advantage, by Yasmin Boland and Kim Farnell, Trédaniel editions, 2021

Use Mercury retrograde to your advantage

Make no mistake about it. Mercury retrograde can be used quite consciously. Yoko Ono notably signed contracts during Mercury retrograde to be able to renegotiate them more easily later.

Yasmin for his part bought an apartment one day during an auction during Mercury Retrograde, before realizing that his broker had planned a variable mortgage at 90%, which did not correspond to his request and has it. deeply worried. However, as Mercury was retrograde, it was enough for him to find another broker to obtain a new mortgage, all even before the first withdrawal was made on his account, and without penalties!

>> To read on FemininBio: Mercury retrograde January 2021: 12 things to do to benefit from your energy

Mercury retrograde is a way for the Universe to tell us that we are not yet ready to make up our minds, that there are other factors we do not know and need to consider, and that it is best to keep putting together informations.

Some people try to put their life on hold during Mercury retrograde, which is not very realistic: who can hold out like this for weeks? Obviously, if you are lucky enough to retreat during Mercury Retrograde, take full advantage, this is a great time to take a break and recharge your batteries.

Likewise, if you intend to travel during Mercury retrograde, it is best to have everything planned out perfectly as far in advance as possible. If not, remember to be kind to yourself. You may need to slow down for a while, but if you stay focused and are well prepared to take advantage of what Mercury retrograde has to offer, you can alleviate any problem.

As explained a little above, Mercury retrograde is felt more during the shadow phases, when it begins to move backwards and when it changes direction to resume its direct course. Its effects on the world, however, extend throughout the retrograde period, as well as just before and just after.

What you must remember :

◗ Don’t assume that everything will necessarily go wrong during Mercury Retrograde, sometimes the cycle will work in your favor. If, for example, you turn down a job because the salary is too low, you may be returned with a better offer.

◗ When Mercury retrograde brings old issues to the surface, remember to take this opportunity to bring order to whatever you left hanging in the past. You can then come to your senses and think about the next step. Mercury retrograde is, at the very least, a good excuse to organize.

◗ If you can avoid it, don’t start anything new, instead improve on what you have already done or complete your current projects. If you have to start something, well guess what… you will start over or probably end during a future Mercury retrograde cycle.

◗ You can always try, but you will soon find that it is difficult to agree on a plan, to get decisions from others, and anyway, any decision made in this moment may change when Mercury resumes its direct course.

◗ Sometimes relationships with loved ones can be problematic during Mercury retrograde. You may for example have communication problems, your spouse could you Mercury retrograde, myth or reality? 29 announcing in an extremely theatrical fashion that he is leaving you and will never return, only to reappear the following week. People don’t always have a clear mind at this time. The best way to take advantage of retrograde Mercury is to focus on the prefix d- (which indicates repetition), and what follows.

The experts:

Yasmin Boland was a journalist for many years before discovering meditation and astrology. Passionate about the moon and considered a reference, she publishes daily horoscopes and predictions on her site Yasmin Boland. Kim Farnell as for her, chairs the London Astrological Lodge, she holds a master’s degree in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology.

(©Editions Guy Trédaniel)

The book :

Mercury Retrogade, A Practical Guide to Turning Chaos to Your Advantage, Yasmin Boland and Kim Farnell, Trédaniel editions, 2021

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