Home » today » News » Mercury in Scorpio: A magical period for 4 signs – 2024-10-15 20:45:00

Mercury in Scorpio: A magical period for 4 signs – 2024-10-15 20:45:00

During its time in Scorpio, Mercury will take us on a journey through the dark corners of our psyche and direct our awareness to unresolved emotions, unacknowledged fears and deeply buried truths.

13.10. Mercury has left Libra and entered Scorpio and will remain in this sign until November 3rd. This transit heightens our desire to reveal secrets, explore the unconscious, and challenge taboos, while encouraging us to reveal uncomfortable truths and embrace radical honesty.

The change in the sign of Mercury is especially important for people born with a personal placement in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius), as well as for those with planets and angles in Gemini and Virgo, the signs ruled by Mercury. During their time in Scorpio, Mercury will inspire them to deepen their psychological self-exploration, ask deeper questions of themselves and others, and explore the hidden motives and desires that guide their actions and choices.

Mercury in Libra to Scorpio: A Look Beneath the Surface

Named after the mythological messenger of the gods, Mercury in astrology is associated with communication, rational thinking, theoretical learning, and gathering and sharing information. Ruler of both Gemini and Virgo, Mercury reflects how we manage daily tasks, solve problems, and discern what is useful from what is not.

Mercury transits indicate collective trends and changes in our perceptions, communication and thought patterns. They offer insight into the lens through which we view reality and the details we tend to focus on when speaking, observing or thinking.

During Mercury’s time in Libra, we had opportunities to improve our communication and active listening skills and were reminded of the value of how we get our message across. Mercury in Libra urged us to listen at least as much as we talk and encouraged us to put ourselves in other people’s shoes, trying to understand their perspectives without our own biases.

Mercury entering Scorpio reflects a general tendency to talk less, observe more, and choose our words carefully, aware of their weight and potential impact. This transit inspires us to look beyond the surface, beneath the obvious and focus on the undercurrents, the unspoken and unseen.

Mercury Enters Scorpio: A Journey Through the Darkness

In addition to being a messenger, the mythological Mercury is also a psychopomp whose role is to guide souls between the realms of life and death, between the physical and spiritual worlds. This aspect of Mercury relates to its astrological association with travel, transportation and movement, as well as this planet’s versatility and ability to move between different realms of experience.

Mercury’s transit through Scorpio resonates deeply with Mercury’s role as psychopomp, as Scorpio rules transformational processes, the underworld, and the journey of awakening the unconscious.

During its time in Scorpio, Mercury will take us on a journey through the dark corners of our psyche and direct our awareness to unresolved emotions, unacknowledged fears and deeply buried truths.

Mercury in aspect with Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Mars and Pluto

During its journey through Scorpio, Mercury will align with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, Mars in Cancer, Uranus retrograde in Taurus, Neptune retrograde in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn.

Mercury forms a trine with retrograde Saturn in Pisces on October 22. The Mercury-Saturn trine inspires us to put our minds and our surroundings in order: this aspect supports our ability to organize and structure our days, time and thoughts.

30.10. Mercury in Scorpio is in opposition to Uranus retrograde in Taurus. At this time, unexpected news or information can disrupt our thinking and contribute to feelings of mental overload, nervous tension and agitation. This opposition indicates a general sense of restlessness, quick and unpredictable thinking, and a constant sense of urgency.

Regardless, the Mercury-Uranus alignment encourages our desire for independent thinking and rebellion against conformity, and supports our ability to access new visions and insights into the future.

Mercury forms a trine to retrograde Neptune in Pisces on 31.10. This aspect helps balance the tension of the Mercury-Uranus opposition, inviting us to tap into the realms of intuition and imagination, inspiring poetic expression and encouraging us to explore the non-linear. channels of communication and expression of what we think, feel and sense.

2.11., Mercury at 29º Scorpio trine Mars at 29º Cancer and sextile Pluto at 29º Capricorn. The activation of the critical 29º marks the completion of karmic lessons, while Mercury’s aspects to Mars and Pluto bring more clarity about the purpose behind the tension that may arise during the Mars-Pluto opposition.

Mercury in Scorpio: Exploring the Unconscious

Mercury entering Scorpio is an invitation to deepen our introspection and a very powerful time to concentrate on exploring our unconscious, shadow work and all kinds of therapeutic processes. In the coming days and weeks there will be opportunities to get to know each other better.

Mercury in Scorpio sharpens our focus, supports our ability to think critically, and facilitates access to new intuitive insights into the nature of reality and relationships.

This transit can help us clarify the complex emotional dynamics that play out in our relationships and help us better understand our psychological nature, as well as our true needs and desires, writes “Actually”.

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