Home » today » News » Merchants in New York Discuss Measure That Would Ask Customers for Proof of Coronavirus Vaccination | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Merchants in New York Discuss Measure That Would Ask Customers for Proof of Coronavirus Vaccination | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

the week starts with goodconditions we tell you untilwhen the good streak lasts.the authorities fight forcontrol the progress of thevariant of the.he was mayor blasio billrecommends wearing masks,even for the vaccinated, ininteriors.they refrain from putting amandate, but in addition torecommend the mask, okayto the cities demand thevaccines in hospitals. they demandalso ask clients for vaccinationestablishments.mariela salgado came out to talkwith elected officials anddealers.mariela: this fishmonger fromhigh manhattan lost his wings70% of your business bypandemic. what to spend or theinvestor from outside.that’s why the news thatI had to ask for proof ofvaccinate your clients beforeto enter and they did not fall anythinggood.It will affect us because it isyou have the right to say nowants to get the vaccine.we will have to hire anotherdoor, specifically forcheck the vaccination card.those cards are easy tofalsify.I walk with my card likeif it were a cardcredit, to present it inanywhere they ask me.mariela: a councilor and / or acongressman spoke to askproof of vaccination anegative result inlast 72 hours beforeenter the establishmentpublic.due to the increase in cases ofthe delta variant, which has beenduplicate.any family that comesto a public place, to a theateror to a movie theater, to a restaurant ora gym, it feels better ifthe people who are there arevaccinated people.mariela: beyond that, mancan you supervise those businesses?in the city naturallythere are mechanisms to monitorwhat business they are notcomplying with the law.with what he sayscongressman, it seems that evenMay, the restaurants hadto find out temperature.mariela: lady saw withyou know brother sees it very well.you never know who walksmariela: the authorities of thehealth urge the public toget vaccinated. If have toget vaccinated, remember you cango to the page ofYork or the state in which it isfinds.here you can call 311 tofind a center

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