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Mercedes withdraws the best engines from sale! However, the reason is completely different than you think …

If your heart beats to the beat of the Mercedes V8 engine, we don’t have good news for you. The German company has confirmed that almost all of them will be phased out in the US with the launch of the 2022 model year. The reason is completely different than you think.

Mercedes is in trouble again

This information first appeared on Reddit, and has now been confirmed by employees of the German company. Mercedes thus confirmed that the V8 engines will remain only in the Maybach S 580 and Mercedes S 580 cars.

This means that, at least temporarily, Mercedes will not be assembling its largest engine in a really large number of models. We are talking about “normal” and AMG models of cars such as: C-, E-, GLC-, GLE-, GLS- and G.

Mercedes was relatively shy about this issue and initially refused to explain why he made such a decision. Ultimately, however, the German company sent a publication and a statement that it was to blame … supply problems.

Germany wants to solve the problem

The car manufacturer did not go into detail, but stated that their “priority is to focus on meeting the various global, external and internal requirements. As well as several other factors, including but not limited to supply chain challenges. It has an impact on the product portfolio offered in various markets. “


Mercedes added that it is investigating every scenario that can solve current problems as quickly as possible. The company will work with dealers and customers to mitigate any inconvenience caused by delays.

The claim is somewhat vague, but the blame is blamed on the global chip crisis, which has affected the production of various other vehicles as well. Whatever the reason, the company reportedly told dealers to stop selling V8 models and advised customers who had already ordered them that their vehicles would not arrive as planned.

A blessing in disguise


It would seem that the departure from large engines will be due to ecology and more and more stringent exhaust emission standards. The luck in the misfortune is that Mercedes has not closed any gates. So we can count on the fact that their V8 engines will still return to the portfolio. But when it does, there is one big unknown. Experts predict that the global chip crisis will continue in 2022, which does not inspire optimism for Mercedes customers and fans of huge V8 engines.

This is not the first time that Mercedes has been in trouble due to the chip crisis. Not so long ago, he had to close one of his major factories, which stopped producing cars for a few days. So the situation is very serious.

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