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Mercato – PSG: Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo … Leonardo is preparing very heavy!

Foot – Market – PSG

Posted on January 21, 2021 at 4:30 am by TM

While Leonardo is ready to jump at the opportunity for Lionel Messi, obviously, at PSG, we would also work on a possible arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo.

In 2017, the PSG hit hard by successively recruiting Neymar and Kylian Mbappé. And the capital club could now see things bigger by attacking the biggest stars of the football planet. On the occasion of an interview with France Football, Leonardo has thus acknowledged being ready to recruit Lionel Messi : « Great players like Messi will always be on the PSG list. But this is of course not the time to talk about it, or to dream about it. (…) But we are seated at the large table of those who are following the file closely. Actually, no, we’re not seated yet, but our chair is just reserved in case ».

“For Cristiano Ronaldo, it also works”

Lionel Messi could therefore be the future star of PSG, as Cristiano Ronaldo. Indeed, as he acknowledged Philippe Sanfourche during The Evening Team, the capital club would still work for the star of the Juventus : « It is in a normal logic that the PSG works on big files like that of Lionel Messi. For Cristiano Ronaldo, it also works. PSG and Ronaldo have always been linked, especially since there is a real desire on the part of the player, on Messi’s side it is less certain. So they have everything to gain. The past has shown us that Neymar’s transfer significantly boosted PSG’s income, of course in a normal world before the health crisis. So Messi is Neymar power three ».

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