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Mercato | Mercato – OM: The succession of Zubizarreta becomes clearer!

Foot – Mercato – OM

Posted on May 25, 2020 at 4:00 a.m. by A.M.

While Olympique de Marseille is still looking for the successor to Andoni Zubizarreta, who will have an expanded role, Jacques-Henri Eyraud details the profile of the future general manager in charge of football.

It’s been a little over a week sinceOM announced the departure ofAndoni Zubizarreta by mutual agreement through a press release which also stated that ” Olympique de Marseille specifies that the recruitment of a general manager in charge of football is underway ” In the process, Jacques-Henri Eyraud said more at the microphone of RMC Sport about the profile sought for this new position: ” This person is not yet recruited. There is no name to announce, she is not yet recruited. But I think that compared to this new phase, we had to make a certain number of changes and we will continue in other areas. “But where is this file ten days after the departure ofAndoni Zubizarreta ?

Eyraud’s details

Difficult indeed to imagine who could land at theOM. The names ofAntero Henrique, Luis Campos and even Basil Boli, as le10sport.com exclusively reveals to you, have circulated, but The team assured that the manager sought would not necessarily come from football and would have mainly finance and marketing skills. Contacted byAFP, Jacques-Henri Eyraud however twists the rumor: ” Obviously, he will be a football expert, those who were able to say or write the reverse are totally missing the plate. “A short-list is already established and a source forOM also cited byAFP is even reassuring about the attractiveness of the Marseille club: “ We received many calls. Now it remains to be seen who will be the lucky one. But one thing is certain, time is running out given the fact that the future general manager in charge of football for the country awaits.Olympic Marseille.

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