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Menzel died of a covid. It is still unclear from whom he became infected, the widow of the famous director described Culture

PRAGUE According to Olga Menzelová’s widow, the cause of death of the famous director Jiří Menzel was a covid. It was the insidious coronary virus that infected him just before he died, which led to a rapid deterioration in his health. For the personality of Czech film, who was recovering from the severe course of meningitis for several years, covid pneumonia became fatal.

“It’s true, Jirka succumbed to covid pneumonia. The disease began to manifest itself in him due to high temperatures, coughing and pain, “said Olga Menzelová for the daily Blesk.

The source of the infection remains shrouded in mystery. It is likely that Menzel became infected from one of the nurses who had no idea about the disease. “It is still not entirely clear who it was from. All hygienic measures were strictly observed, and despite all this, the infection came, “said the producer and the widow of the deceased director, saying that she received a recommendation from doctors to refrain from visits.

“But I couldn’t imagine that I wouldn’t be at Jirka’s at the moment. So I went to see him in a protective suit, gloves and glasses, “she added. According to her, the dressed and the staff of the medical facility went like this, yet the transmission of the disease could not be prevented.

Director JIří Menzel in the picture from January 2017.

At one point, Menzel covid-19 seemed to stand. His body has suffered from various medical events in the past, and this time, according to Menzel, he fought the infection until the last moment. The temperatures even began to subside, but then came the turning point.

“I watched my husband’s death live on covid-19. Mentally, it was the most demanding care that Jiří and I experienced. Being dressed from head to toe in a protective suit, glasses, gloves, without the possibility of kissing him, was the most depressing in my life, “she added in conclusion. Author of legendary images like Closely watched trains, Cuts a Snowdrop festivities died in early September at the age of 82.

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