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Mental health of young people does not improve in 2022 | News

“Mental health will be a national priority,” presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron said Saturday, April 2, 2022, in his only election rally before the first round of presidential elections. Six months later, the mental health data has hardly changed. Worse still, some indicators show deterioration, especially among young people.

In its November monthly point published on October 20, 2022, the National Public Health Agency notes an increase, compared to last month, in visits to the emergency room for “suicidal thoughts” among young people aged 15 to 17 (+ 16%) and for “disorders of ‘anxiety’, for 11-14 years (+ 23%).

More emergency room visits for suicidal thoughts than in 2021

“Among young people aged 11 to 24 (and in particular those aged 15 to 24), the passages [aux urgences] for suicidal thoughts they remained at a higher level than those observed in 2021 ”, states the public establishment. As for suicidal gestures and mood disorders, emergency hospitalizations are still high and comparable to last year. Public Health France also maintains an increase in medical acts due to “depressive state” among young people aged 18 to 24 (+ 34%).

More generally, the upward trend in emergency room visits for “suicidal thoughts” is also observed among adults with a 13% jump for the 25-64 age group, or “levels much higher than those observed in 2021 ”, Completes the National Agency for Public Health.

The closing of the beds in child psychiatry

On 2 June 2022 the Defender of Rights, Claire Hédon, was already urging the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, to put in place an emergency plan for the mental health of young people. In a context of “lack of treatment for mental health disorders”, aggravated in a “very worrying way” by “two years of epidemic waves”, the administrative authority denounced the closures of child psychiatry beds for some structures ” due to lack of personnel and resources. Before the arrival of children in child psychiatric institutions, after a suicide attempt, the Defender of Rights pointed out “the shortcomings in the systems for listening and collecting the words of the child and all the preventive actions that would had to be implemented. “Yet, on 27 and 28 September 2021, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, announced a series of measures on the subject during the Mental Health and Psychiatry Meetings.

Hopes that remain “ineffective” for the Defender of Rights and the Defender of Children. In a recent interview with La Voix du Nord on November 3, 2022, Claire Hédon protested the lack of resources available to respond to mental health problems among young people and asked to “give human and financial resources to children, school medicine, to adolescence centers “. A way to put the public authorities in front of the demands posed by the President of the Republic before the start of his second term.

For any mental health problem (suicidal ideation, anxiety, chronic stress, loss of self-esteem, mood disorders, etc.), it is essential to approach a doctor. The latter may, depending on the situation, refer you to a psychologist and / or a psychiatrist. We have also recently opened our columns to psychiatrist Laelia Benoit who provides many tips to help you identify the causes of psychological conflicts and other depressions.

Free psychological support services

The occasion to remember that several devices have recently been made to obtain psychological support. This is particularly the case with Student of Health Psychologyopen from March 2021 and extended until December 31, 2022. Even those over 3 years of age can benefit from the scheme. My shrink, allowing the reimbursement of 8 annual sessions. The University Psychological Aid Offices (Bapu) also offer free consultations for all students. Please note that free (or no-charge) telephone lines are available day and night.

– On 31 14national number for suicide prevention: toll-free number that guarantees professional and confidential listening (by nurses and psychologists trained to speak), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Location: National suicide prevention number – 3114

Suicide Listen (Tel: 01 45 39 40 00). : listening to people struggling with suicide. Free telephone helpline 24/7. Location: Suicide-ecoute.fr.

France night line : free night listening service by students (trained in voice recording) for students. The number to dial varies by city. Place : Nightline France: for better mental health of students

Youth health thread (Tel: 0800 235 236): free and anonymous number for listening and information for young people to talk about health, sexuality, love or discomfort (physical and mental), 7 days a week, from 9:00 to 23:00. Place : Filsantejeunes.com

Editorial © CIDJ

News updated 11-11-2022 / created 11-11-2022

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