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Mental Health Nurses: SISISM towards the renewal of corporate offices. – AssoCareNews.it

Psychiatry: those little forgotten patients. Transition from childhood to adulthood.

We are moving towards the renewal of the board of the Scientific Society of Mental Health Nurses. The outgoing president of SISISM Andrea Gargiulo spoke.

The Scientific Society of Mental Health Nursing (Sisism) founded in Bologna on 30 September 2017, as per the statute it is about to renew the Board of Directors, scheduled for every 3 years.

The election of the members who will guide the Sisism “ship” in the next three years is scheduled for 17 October 2020. Andrea Gargiulo – outgoing president – takes stock of the association and invites maximum participation.

The SISISM statute provides for the renewal of the members of the Board of Directors every 3 years, and now, we are precisely at the first turning point. On October 17, 2020 there will be the possibility for all registered members and in good standing with the payment of the membership fee to be able to enter the Board of Directors and bring this company and all that it represents for professional growth in the future.

As the outgoing President I can only renew my gratitude and pride in having met and collaborated with extraordinary nurses, who have contributed to making an extraordinary story, a journey never experienced before.

We started with everything that was needed, with all the papers in order, with first-rate nurses who believed in and supported the innovative project, a Statute and regulations in support, a network of national representation, and all this allowed us to enter the Ministry of Health list as a Scientific Society accredited to produce national guidelines. There are many protagonists, who almost like a group of visionaries, with so many skills, points of view, dreams and desires have led the company off the starting dock, towards the open sea, navigating routes not yet traveled for nurses in this specialist .

Strong and fundamental was the support of Opi Bologna in the person of the President Giurdanella and of the whole Board of Directors because they believed in the Project by supporting and hosting almost all SISISM events.

On behalf of the entire SISISM Board of Directors we can only thank them.

We left and now there is no turning back. In these years of travel, many things have been done, from training throughout the national territory to the first master with hours of teaching mainly nursing and with a humanistic slant, from multicentric research to highlighting the best practices of the small and unknown operating unit, from the website to the various forms of scientific and information magazine, from being requested interlocutors among the large medical scientific societies to supporting colleagues in the field, but to really tell what they mean it would take a huge table and a lot of time to support all thoughts, emotions, hopes, dreams, words, concrete and imaginative ideas, large and small projects, those that have been completed and those that have not yet been, friendships, disappointments, agreements, successes and attempts that have occurred. All that we have been, that we are and that we have done we have done with dedication and passion, as best we could, and everything that will be done speaks of growth of the profession.

One day a nurse who was coordinating a SISISM project with a group of colleagues told me: “We have followed the heart more than the head because we are normal people.” That sentence struck me and I think it is true, but that we are not “just” normal people, with families, commitments, children to bring or take from school, the car that breaks down to take to the mechanic, mountains of clothes to iron and washing machines to do, but instead we are extraordinary people because despite all this we have left useful footprints for the future.

Wanting to continue with the metaphor, as Founding President I was the builder of this ship, I launched it and took it out to sea, building and opening the sails so that they could go out into the open sea by controlling the route, closing the leaks and avoiding the dangers of collision. that would have broken the hull, all thanks above all to the collaboration of all members of the crew, but now that the sails are full of wind we need a captain experienced in ocean travel.

As a builder I will be happy to collaborate in creating everything the new commander will need for the ship to travel to ports never reached.

Applications to be part of the Board of Directors must be received by 15 September 2020 by filling out the appropriate form sent to all members or downloadable from the site www.sisism.org.

Andrea Gargiulo
President Sisism

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