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Menstrual Cycle Summit: the 100% virtual event on gynecological autonomy

This 100% virtual and free summit offers the general public and professionals an exceptional program. 22 specialists will intervene to offer participants a 360 ° overview of gynecology, from the menstrual cycle to the premenstrual syndrome, including the desire for a child. With one objective: allow women to discover concrete solutions to their problems and help them to be more in tune with their bodies.

Gynecological autonomy

The Menstrual Cycle Summit will also addressgynecological autonomy. In a positive and benevolent approach, the experts present wish to help women no longer “undergo” their own bodies. Several major themes will be addressed: Understanding yourself / Discovering yourself / Healing yourself / Taking care of yourself. Being able to support yourself, depending on your body and your experience, allows you to be much less dependent on a consultation that is not always necessary, and thus to feel better in your life. It also allows you to no longer undergo certain things that can be resolved or mitigated after a doctor has replied “that’s how we can do nothing about it“.

A summit accessible to various stakeholders

This event is open to everyone: women, men, caregivers, practitioners of support and well-being … Interventions take the form of a video exchange, of a period of 45 minutes. The participants can then comment directly on the conferences and benefit from a response from the experts. In addition, they also access a Facebook group to exchange with each other but also with the different speakers. “It is the plurality of exchanges and visions that makes the immense wealth of this Summit online! The experts who intervene are very different: doctor, naturopath, physiotherapist, fertility instructor, sexuality coach, reflexologist, researcher, nutritionist, leader of the self-help movement in Francophonie, herbalist“explains Gaëlle Baldassari, creator of the summit and Enjoy your cycle.

3 free interventions

From June 28 to July 4, 2020, each day, 3 interventions are visible free of charge for 24 hours. They can be viewed at any time. Beyond this period of time, it is possible to buy the full pack (price: € 229 or € 99 in pre-sale before the Summit) to benefit from all the videos of the summit.

To find out about the program and to register, go to official site.

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