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Mens Mai: Singles: take control of your wealth!

Savings, taxes, inheritance: singles, more numerous each year, have neither the same needs nor the same constraints as couples. Ten pages of practical tips and advice that answer their money questions.

The single person knows that he must move forward alone, build up his safety net and provide additional income for his retirement.

Owning your home remains the best way to secure your back, assert your personality and live in the setting you have chosen. It happens that some people are hesitant to invest in stone while waiting to do so with a soul mate. This is a mistake, insists psychologist Paola Scemama-Itta.

Once your roof has been acquired, do not hesitate to take limited risks.

“Our single clients are very sensitive to taxation,” notes, for his part, Virgile Yon, heritage engineer at Equance. Those with high incomes will make sure to save within the framework of exempt envelopes (PEA, PER, life insurance) so as not to trigger additional taxes. It is also tempting to compensate for the absence of family-related tax advantages by building tax exemption strategies or in personal services.

Make sense of your savings

Some invest in leisure investments or seek to give meaning to their savings. Single people create foundations.

Some women who live alone sanctuary their budget of child sponsorships. We offer you some of the most family and socially engaging options.

As age comes, the question of the end of life also concerns single people. Only the life annuity eliminates the fear of missing out. Few solos think “After me the deluge!”. However, not everyone understands the importance of writing a will.

Key figures

10 millions

Number of people who live alone in France, without a spouse, child, roommate or relative. Their share in the overall population increased from 6 to 16% between 1962 and 2016, according to INSEE.

12 to 13%

This is the share of people who have never lived as a couple at age 35. It is almost identical for the generation born in 1948-1957 (12%) and the generation 1968-1977 (13%).


This is the share of women aged 20 to 24 who live alone, compared to 20.3% for men. Between the ages of 25 and 39, the trend is reversed: 19.6% of men live alone, against 12.7% of women (INSEE).

A quarter of Parisians live alone

According to the National Institute of Statistics, 26.7% of Parisians live alone in their accommodation. The loneliness of Parisians can be explained, among other things, by the number of studios in the capital.

8 to 10% yield

This is the performance of crowdfunding if you take part in a promotional operation.

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