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Menpan-RB’s latest explanation about the fate of honorary staff if they don’t pass the PPPK or PNS tests

KOMPAS.com – The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) issued a circular regarding employment status in Central Government and Regional Government Agencies at the end of May 2022.

In the Circular Number B/185/M.SM.02.03/2022 regarding Employment Status in the Central Government and Regional Government Agencies, one of the points is that there are prohibition on the appointment of employees outside the status of PNS and PPPK.

And agencies are asked to solve the problem of non-ASN employees who do not meet the requirements and do not pass the CPNS and PPPK selection no later than November 28, 2023.

Read also: Honorary Staff Abolished in 2023, These are the Terms of Appointment to be a Civil Servant

Then, what about the fate of honorary employees who do not pass the CPNS or PPPK tests before November 28, 2023?

The fate of the honorary who did not pass the PNS and PPPK tests

Honorary staff can be appointed as a Government Employee with a Work Agreement (PPP) or a Civil Servant (PNS), but must follow the selection and according to applicable requirements

If they do not pass or do not meet the requirements, an employee will be appointed through the following pattern outsourcing (outsourcing) according to the needs of the Ministry/Institution/Region (K/L/D).

Employee appointments are carried out according to needs and are expected to be carried out taking into account finances and according to the characteristics of the Ministry/Institution/Region (K/L/D).

“So PPK at K/L/D can still employ outsourcing according to their needs, not deleted immediately, “said Menpan-RB Tjahjo Kumolo quoted from the official statement received Kompas.comFriday (3/6/2022).

He added that government agencies that require other personnel such as drivers, cleaning staff, and security units can also be carried out through outsourcing staff.outsourcing) by a third party.

Read also: Honorary Staff Abolished in 2023, Will Civil Servants Be Appointed?

In accordance with the legal mandate

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/tren/image/2022/06/03/193000265/penjelasan-terbaru-menpan-rb-soal-nasib-tenaga-honorer-jika-tidak-lulus-tes?page=2" style="max-width: 100%;width:750px">KOMPAS.COM/IKA FITRIANA PANRB Minister Tjahjo Kumolo during the inauguration of the MPP in Magelang City, Central Java, Thursday (17/3/2022).-

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