Home » News » Menounos reveals how her pancreatic tumor doubled due to doctors’ indifference

Menounos reveals how her pancreatic tumor doubled due to doctors’ indifference

Maria Menounos gave an interview and mentioned the cancer she passed and the tumor she had and doubled in size because the doctors ignored it.

The journalist has spoken openly about her health adventure, with pancreatic cancer. As he had said, he was diagnosed with it in January.

Speaking on the “Not Skinny But Not Fat” podcast, she explained that her tumor had grown significantly since her first examination in November.

“When they found the tumor on the MRI, they said ‘can we go back and get the records and look at the November exam? I bet he was there,” he said characteristically.

“He was indeed there. At that point it was only two centimeters, later it was almost four centimeters. It had doubled in size in two months,” he added.

As he said afterwards, he still doesn’t understand how something like this escaped the doctors. “What I’ve come to realize is that different exams allow you to see different things better. For this, a magnetic may indeed show something, but in some cases axial is better. Others say it’s the ultrasound. It is, however, a very complicated process”, explained Maria Menounos.

“So the radiologist looked back at the old scans and told me it was indeed there. Whereas when I went for a CT scan, they told me ‘you’re fine'”, he adds.

Every time she told her doctor that she was in a lot of pain, he reassured her, telling her that nothing was wrong. “I was telling him how much I was in pain and he was telling me that we had done all the tests,” he revealed in closing.

Source: First Theme

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