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Menopause: finally a treatment without side effects

Current treatments for menopause rely primarily on hormonal supplementation to alleviate symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. However, concerns about the risks of breast cancer have prompted medical research to explore new avenues. Among these, a new agent offers an innovative non-hormonal approach, and appears to open up new perspectives.

Post-menopausal people face side effects from their treatment

So far, the menopause was mainly treated with hormones aimed at compensating for the natural decrease in estrogen in women. This method, although widely used, is not without risks.

Recent studies have highlighted a potential link between hormonal treatments and one increased risk of breast cancerleading to growing distrust among menopausal people. These fears have stimulated the search for alternative solutions, capable of relieving symptoms without the disadvantages of hormones.

Phase 3 clinical trials, conducted on 700 patients aged 40 to 65, reported that 80% of participants experienced a significant reduction in their symptoms. These very encouraging results pave the way for an application for marketing authorization to the American and European health authorities.

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Menopause: a new hormone-free treatment against side effects soon available?

The Bayer laboratory is innovating with elinzanetant, a treatment against menopause that directly targets the neurons that regulate body temperature. Florence Trémollières, director of the menopause center at Toulouse University Hospital, explains the effects of the agent on France Inter: “Elinzanetant will block the signaling pathway of these neurons, and by normalizing their activity, will modify this thermoregulation zone and ensure that women will not have hot flashes ».

If regulatory proceedings are successful, elinzanetant could be available to postmenopausal women within one year.

With elinzanetant, Bayer is offering a promising treatment option for the millions of people seeking safe alternatives to hormone therapy for menopause. This innovation could well be a turning point, offering a better quality of life for those suffering from menopause.

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