Home » today » Health » Mendoza Woman Seeks Compensation for Illness Caused by Sputnik Vaccine: First Case in Federal Justice

Mendoza Woman Seeks Compensation for Illness Caused by Sputnik Vaccine: First Case in Federal Justice

María Molinero is a Mendoza woman who claims to have suffered a serious illness due to the Russian Sputnik vaccine, against covid-19, for which she requests compensation, under the terms of a national decree. This is the first case of this type that arises in Mendoza and that reaches the Federal Justice.

It is worth mentioning that Molinero was inoculated, in her first dose, with the Sputnik vaccine in 2020. According to her testimony, the woman assures that this triggered Guillain Barré Syndrome, a neurological disease that affects the motor roots of peripheral nerves. As a consequence, the patient loses the myelin that covers the nerves, as well as the strength from head to toe.

Vaccines against the coronavirus Sputnik V.

At the time that Molinero began to feel the symptoms and was diagnosed with the syndrome, the doctors prohibited her from receiving the second dose of the covid vaccine. In this context, the Nation created the National Vaccine Safety Commission (CoNaSeVa), an organization whose mission is to monitor adverse events to ensure that the vaccines used in our country are safe for the population.

Given her diagnosis, the woman claimed compensation from CoNaSeVa, but the agency argued that her condition was not directly related to inoculation with the Sputnik vaccine and rejected the claim. The resolution maintains that this rejection can be reviewed through a direct appeal in the Federal Justice, within 15 days, and it was done.

In this regard, the lawyer representing Mendoza and who filed the Direct Appeal before the Court, Federico Werner Schlegel, assured Los Andes: “In the context of the pandemic and vaccination, a National Decree was issued that provides for the right to compensation in cases where vaccination has caused a duly verifiable disease”.

Health workers carry out the vaccination against Covid 19, in the Campaign Center – Le Parc de Mendoza Sputnik V, ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 Corona Virus Vaccine (Recombinant), Covishield, Sinopharm, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Convidecia, Comirnaty, Pfizer-BionTech , Ad5-nCoV, Photo: Orlando Pelichotti

Therefore, it is now the Mendoza Court of Appeals that must decide whether the Syndrome was caused by the vaccine and therefore revoke the Commission’s decision and order the Nation to compensate the woman. Otherwise, in which they coincide with the resolution, the request will be rejected.

However, the Justice could request a new medical expertise and other evidence to clarify the medical situation of the patient. For his part, Schlegel told Los Andes that he has “diagnoses from neurologists for the specific case.”

In addition, the lawyer revealed that this “is the first direct appeal for this issue that enters the Appeals Chamber.” In his dialogue with the newspaper, Schlegel also highlighted that a “second identical case” arrived at Estudio Vaira Leyton & Magdalena.

Regarding compensation, if it occurs, the degree of moral and physical disability suffered by the patient must be determined.


From CoNaSeVa, made up of doctors from all over the country, 19 reports have been made on the safety of vaccines. In the last record published in November 2022, the Commission indicated that 63,090 ESAVI (Events Supposedly Attributable to Vaccination and Immunizations) have been registered after the application of the covid-19 vaccine, out of a total of 109,916,975 doses.

National Vaccination Plan The provincial government reported that all adults with a complete scheme against Covid-19 will be able to access once five months have elapsed since the last dose. The Le Parc campaign vaccination center this morning. Photo: Orlando Pelichotti

According to statistics, of the registered cases, only 2.7% present serious events, cases that mostly occurred in people around 40 years of age. The rest of the events refer to flu states, fever, dizziness or muscle pain felt in the days after inoculation.

Within this framework, and in relation to the 480 deaths that occurred after vaccination, 357 were not related to the vaccine, 51 did not have sufficient information, and 63 are currently being analyzed. According to the records, only one person died from Guilliam Barré Syndrome after being inoculated by AstraZeneca, while another 3 were diagnosed after receiving Sputnik.

The biggest problem that occurs with this syndrome, which registers only two cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year in the country, is that it is detected when the patient has a viral disease or is inoculated with a vaccine, not only the covid-19 one. . For his part, Federico Werner Schlegel, representative of Molinero, concluded: “I trust the Mendoza Federal Justice, at least on health issues.”


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2023-08-12 17:27:25
#Mendoza #woman #denounced #Justice #Sputnik #caused #illness #Health

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