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Mende: at the Chaptal high school, an original and successful tourist rope

BTS tourism students organized a day of entertainment and job discovery for secondary school students.

The Chaptal high school, through its BTS tourism section, organized the travel fair trades day a few weeks ago, as part of the Cordées de la Réussite program “Making travel: a passion, trades…” .

The 50 students of the BTS thus offered to the 130 students present workshops centered on the professions of tourism as well as a travel fair in order to present world tourist destinations, and this within the framework of a collaboration between Lozère schools, in order to to introduce middle school and high school students to the field of tourism.

The Lycée Chaptal welcomed classes of secondary school students. The objective of the Cordées de la Réussite is to allow these future students to build an orientation project. “Roped up” establishments, such as the colleges of La Canourgue and Meyrueis, the Émile-Peytavin high school, the Mende university branch and the Chaptal high school, the head of the roped establishment through its BTS tourism section, set up joint actions in order to give each student the means for success in the development of his orientation project, whatever the course envisaged, continuation of studies in higher education or professional integration. Within the framework of the Cordée tourisme, it is the pursuit of studies and professions in this sector that have been put forward.

The morning was devoted to workshops to discover professions divided into four areas: accommodation, private travel sales companies, transport and institutional bodies. They were animated by staging and fun activities: the classrooms were transformed into real tourist structures, travel agency, campsite, museum, airport… The afternoon was devoted to the discovery of tourist places , in the form of a travel fair which took place in the chapel of the Lycée Chaptal. The participants were also able to discover the profession of guide thanks to visits to the Chaptal.

The interest of this project for the students of BTS tourism is to fully design an event, to animate it and to take charge of school groups.

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