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Men and women, former tronista becomes single again: his announcement

A former tronista of “Men and Women” returns to being single. After years of love, the boy made the announcement to his fans on Instagram

Men and Women (@Facebook)

The love story between another well-known couple in the world of TV is over. Let’s talk about the former tronist of the talk show “Men and women, Lucas Peracchi and Mercedez Henger. Already in recent months, precisely from December 2020, several rumors made us think of one crisis between the two which they both decided to deny.

But after showing themselves together again in their daily life on Instagram, after months, the well-known personal trainer wanted to respond to his fans with a very clear message. The two lived together and met several years ago but something went wrong.

It looked like one very happy couple but Lucas declared today, through an Instagram story, that between them is over. The well-known personal trainer and the beautiful Mercedesz were very followed as a couple, the two made the fans part of their life showing themselves always united. But a year after Lucas’ promise of love, it’s already over.

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Lucas Peracchi announces his breakup with Mercedesz Henger

Men and women, former tronista becomes single again
Mercedesz Henger and Lucas Peracchi (Instagram)

A love story lasted many years, but the breakup came one year after the promise that Lucas made to Mercedesz by giving her a brick instead of a ring. The two lived together and over time have always shown themselves to be united by sharing their work, their passions, travels and training together.

On the occasion of a tough one clash between Eva Henger and Lucas, the beautiful Mercedesz has sided with her ex boyfriend despite having a wonderful relationship with her mother as well. In fact, between Lucas and Eva there were some very heavy accusations and it would have been the personal trainer to offer him his hand. However, a gesture that did not help and according to rumors this problem could also be the cause of their breakup.

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Peracchi wanted today break the silence declaring through his Instagram account: “Hi guys, since you’ve been asking me for a while and I don’t want to talk about it anymore because I don’t like talking about these things. There is no valid reason, unfortunately we did not get along. Tra me e Mercedesz it’s over“. With these words Lucas wanted to announce the end of his story to his followers, inviting them not to ask any more questions as he does not want to talk about it. Shortly after publication, however, the message suddenly disappeared.

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