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Men and Women: Chia’s opinion on the episode of 11/02/22

You see the eloquent expression of Matteo Ranieri in the image above? How full is it to cap? So full that I miss the cisterns to collect rainwater in the middle of autumn? Here, he is not even half as saturated as I am in the face of episodes of Men and women like today. Just saying.

Maaaaaadre holy, but the heaviness? I mean, but like that the part that passed me the most shawl was the one (very short, strangely …) dedicated to Gemma Galgani. Do I give the idea? Gemmona the lightest. Let alone the rest.

Between Ida Banana who came out with that poraccio of Alessandro twice in number and – in addition to getting annoyed when he tells her about his past, which is a totally no sense thing in itself – it already breaks his shit if he catches eyes on the street with a beautiful random woman and Federica Aversano that I am wondering how it is possible that they have not yet established a sanctuary in her name since she seems to do everything she and she alone, in life, and we are worthy of her illuminating presence by kind concession, I really have less trouble digesting peperonata you bet like this.

But what from True? But to these women how je jumps in mind to slaughter so overbearingly the minc * ia of men they have known for less than three hours? Far be it from me to defend the male category, mind you, that they too make it as if it were raining, let alone (intercom at that Giovanni for confirmation), but come on …

Will it ever be possible that Ida with EVERY CHRISTIAN with whom he goes out always manages to find a straca ** or a pretext for which to complain? ALWAYS? Mortaaacci his, what a tax this! And one dares to sleep at night instead of video calling her for 4 hours and it doesn’t suit her well, and that other has had the courage to look at another woman and we don’t start off on the right foot … and for the misery!

Men and Women: Chia's opinion on the episode of 11/02/22

Al Ranieri it has certainly not gone better than those fearless who go out with the Platanoanyway.

Because if the Aversano does not stand, Denise Mingiano it certainly doesn’t seem better to me, on the contrary. To be honest, it must be emphasized that I found it strange today that there was only the audio and not the video of the chat that he exchanged with that sly Armando Incarnato. But how, the recording has just finished, there are twenty-four cameramen still hanging around the machine. Bourbon coffee e casually anyone who has the camera on?

After twenty years we know our chickens well enough, I would say. And so, on my nose, I am more inclined to think that the images of that moment were there, but they argued in favor of the version of Denise (who claimed he wasn’t deigning Armando of a look, while he was standing in line to have the microphone removed, and that it was he who insisted until she spoke to him) and then tac, let’s leave the rest to the imagination and just send the audio. Audio that HOWEVER proves that Denise with Armando he made two words, which chuckled us at the idea of ​​”bordello“That could arise if they had a coffee together and that not even on the third attempt did he say clearly”feel joy, try to stop it, because there is no tripe for cats“.

So that she does not tell us right, and that she is deliberately not clear and clear in order to create hype around her, is sure. But it is equally obvious that there in the middle they can’t wait to point out every step of her false one in order to highlight the unbridgeable gulf that separates her from Our Lady of Heroic Maternity.

Because I didn’t want to believe it when Maria De Filippi did all that apology for Federicain the last episode, saying that “she certainly cannot run carefree in the meadows to pick daisies, because her life is also made up of responsibility and if she loses her head and then gets burned when she gets home it is not exactly how it should be“. And the of him, therefore, “it is certainly not being heavy, but responsible“. What?

But who tells him to Queen Mary that one thing certainly does not exclude the other? That the Aversano be responsible is an excellent quality, God forbid. But this does not mean that we have deliberately smashed the ba ** and for two months because anything that Matteo ago – unless it’s for her – it doesn’t suit her. Someone warn you that we are at Men and women is that Lightning strike it was on the air twenty years ago, when she was not yet a courageous mother. Ecchecca ** o!

No, because I really can’t cope with these that DI THEM SPONTE call, they do casting after casting, they go down the coveted staircase of a program that has been on the air FOR TWENTY YEARS and then … and then they shred the browns because they don’t it’s fine how it works. But what pathology do you suffer from? santodddio? And let’s be clear, I too would turn the propeller bales if I saw the guy I like making out or coaxing to another, huh. I don’t doubt it, on the contrary. But in fact I’m at my house, and the mail to Mennoia not send it.

And, assuming that I doubt that anyone is forced to participate in a format like this, that you are not comfortable sharing who you like with others is ABSOLUTELY LIABLE, to make our existence worse NO. The rules have been the same for two decades and must be taken into account BEFORE hitting the catwalk. That pretending to come down the soap mountain every time doesn’t make sense afterwards. If they don’t suit you, you go back to your house and friends as before, imagine. If in order to make a living to the sound of detox herbal teas you choose to let them go to your liking then, however, don’t tear your ovaries at every straca ** or bet, that’s it.

Video from the episode: Whole betTina: “Pierluigi pay attention to the expiry of the guarantee …”The half kiss of Gemma and PierluigiDaniela: “Giovanni I cried for you. You instead … “Tina and Gianni Vs. GiovanniFederica: “Matteo being here is useless for me …”Matteo: tronista without suitorsIda’s jealousyThe grievances of Angelo

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