Home » today » Entertainment » ‘Men and Women’, Camilla Mangiapelo explains why she and Riccardo Gismondi do not show up on social media and what happened with Nilufar Addati

‘Men and Women’, Camilla Mangiapelo explains why she and Riccardo Gismondi do not show up on social media and what happened with Nilufar Addati

Four years have passed since the choice of Riccardo Gismondi a Men and women: after leaving Martin Luchen, the tronista had decided to abandon the program together with Camilla Mangiapelo with which he had participated a few months later in Temptation Island. Although many doubted their history at the beginning, the two are increasingly united and live together.

Often, however, the couple has been the subject of rumor that insinuated a crisis and today Camilla explains to Men and Women Magazine what, in your opinion, should have been this fan doubt:

Maybe because (…) our love is not social. We live in such a normal way that, characteristically, we don’t feel the need to share each other. We don’t do it on purpose, we are just like that. Others do it and it’s beautiful, if that’s what they feel. Sharing is appreciated as confidentiality is appreciated. I prefer to share my photos and beauty tips.

The ex suitor, however, wanted to clarify that the relationship between them has only solidified over time:

Everything is going great. Over the years there has been a crescendo. We got to know each other better, we created a balance of our own … we matched our work commitments.

And he revealed what quality he appreciates most in her boyfriend:

The problem solving. He can defuse. He is one of the people who can calm me down when I’m in total panic. It helps me when I see everything black, when positivity disappears and I become demoralized. He is always there. He has seen more aspects of me than any other person … and he has appreciated them all. This is another wonderful thing about him, he never made me weigh aspects of my character. He loves me for who I am, and I love him for that too. And I admire it a lot.

The Mangiapelo he confided that he felt the weight of the judgment of others very much:

Although I have been doing this job for four years, I do not stop suffering from the judgments of others. The people around me, even if I don’t know them, have a value for me. They have something special, they stand out, they have an opinion that deserves to be heard. And I’m sorry if people don’t see in me what they can see Riccardo or my friends. But he is fantastic in this too, he always manages to find the positive side in situations. I’m not very good at telling myself and often people don’t understand me, they can’t frame me. But him, Riccardoalso makes me appreciate this side of me. (…) I’m not angry with anyone, even for negative judgments. There is that if one takes the phone in hand to have fun, he is not there to understand and interpret me, but write the first thing that comes to mind. Then, of course, it’s up to you to give due weight to the opinions of others, but I’m a person who loves being around people.

And he talked about the passions and hobbies he shares with Riccardo:

We share a lot and he is very stimulating. He has many hobbies, many interests. I also like this about him. I may be ordered at home, but I am baffled about many things. Instead, he does everything he wants to do. I’ve always seen him as older than me, even if we only have two years of difference. We often talk about anything. He makes speeches that leave me speechless. I believe that Ricky is one of the smartest people I’ve ever dealt with, also because he knows how to listen.

Despite the solid link with the Gismondibut the beauty influence she confessed that she did not feel ready to take important steps:

I think they are things that will have to come over time. A child or marriage must come with extremely strong foundations. Ours are, but I think they can still mature. How we must mature. Get to a love not stronger, but more adult.

Finally Camilla expressed his opinion on the throne of Giovanna Abate in the last season of Classic throne and on the shipwrecked relationship with Sammy Hassan:

I felt sorry for Giovanna… I think he felt something strong for Sammy. You could see it. He defended him, got angry when they attacked him and sought attention from him. He wanted demonstrations and probably felt the ground failing under his feet. I honestly don’t like him … I see him a little “butterfly”. I have not seen it completely safe and in fact when this thing happened … I was disappointed. She is a very good girl, in my opinion. He has good eyes. She is also good at talking, has a nice display ability and has a nice “strong” character, while also being a fragile person. I would have seen her very well with Alessandro… I’m always on time! I shippo them!

And he wanted to clarify once and for all what happened with Nilufar Addati:

Between me and Nilufar there is a simple incompatibility. We shared a working environment, we met. She is a very good person but I would not be able to share anything else with her besides what we shared, that is work. We are very different, but it didn’t hurt me. In life, you often meet people you don’t catch up with.

And what do you think of his words?

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