Lhe committee, still chaired by Jean-Guy Gingras, updated its mission this week, when it has just restructured its workforce to be even more efficient.
“At the beginning it was really a confrontation, we had to fight, recalls Mr. Gingras. Currently, it is much more, as our name suggests, of the lookout. ”
The restructuring of its 12-person board of directors aims to enable the CVHM to better deploy its capacity to listen to network users and enrich its interventions with local, regional and provincial decision-making levels, he explains. .
This goes through specialized sub-committees dedicated to the various sectors of health and social services such as medical issues, social affairs, the elderly, as well as the family, youth and the DYP. The users and the English-speaking community are also well represented.
DYP and seniors
“We fought a lot for the hospital and for the elderly, then we realized with COVID that there is not just that. There is the DYP, which we did not really touch and there is mental health, for example. In fact there is a whole lot of organizations which have lost a bit since the merger because the management [du CSSS de Memphrémagog] is no longer in Magog and that they must refer to Sherbrooke. So we are working with the CIUSSS so that organizations can be heard. ”
According to Mr. Gingras, all health and social services organizations in the Memphremagog region are thus indirectly part of the monitoring committee. “If they have problems that they cannot resolve, they bring them to the committee and we liaise with the senior management of the CIUSSS to resolve them. There are many things that we have settled thanks to this direct link and the political weight that the MRC de Memphrémagog gives to our committee. ”
In the case of the DPJ in particular, “the committee intends to ensure close monitoring of the follow-up to the report of the Special Commission on the Rights of Children and Youth Protection chaired by Régine Laurent. In this regard, the Eastern Townships have gone through very difficult times which require the establishment of mechanisms to prevent the repetition of the events that have occurred. Among other things, we believe that we need a return to interdisciplinary fieldwork. Currently, at the local level, each division is managed from the decision-making center in Sherbrooke, which hinders communications between the Direction de la protection de la jeunesse and other CLSC workers with young people and families ”, we state. .
The CVHM also intends to put the emphasis in the coming months on home care for which the government announced on Tuesday an additional envelope of $ 750M over five years.
“It’s a good orientation, but as far as I’m concerned, I think it’s going to cost more than that. The fact remains that it will still be cheaper to keep people at home, where they want to live as long as possible, than to send them to CHSLDs, ”comments Mr. Gingras.
In Magog, the plan to add 31 beds in CHSLDs announced in 2018 and that of a 48-bed seniors’ home announced in 2020 are progressing well, according to the watch committee.
Mr. Gingras also insists on the need for an assiduous presence of geriatricians at the Memphremagog hospital, who would be added to a specialized nurse who is scheduled to take up her post in the fall. This does not exclude pressure for the reinstatement of the short-term hospitalization unit in geriatrics, which has been closed in recent years.
“We have done a bit for the elderly, but there is still work to be done,” warns Mr. Gingras.