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“Memora de vozes”, the posthumous book by José Costero

Ariadne’s Labyrinth presents today, May 27, the posthumous book by the poet and narrator José Costero.

José Costero at the presentation of his latest collection of poems, in 2014.

Text: Editorial Office Photo: Carme ESTEVE

Just over a year ago the poet, narrator and essayist passed away Coastal Joseph in Barcelona, ​​the city where he was born in the year 35. He published his first work in 1968 Thirsty and afraid and since then he has not stopped writing. Her bibliography is made up of six books of poetry, one of stories, her essay 13 suicides 13 and the series of novels by retired police officer Ruano: It is dangerous to look (Tenerife, 2001), Keep off the grass (Tenerife, 2002), hangman’s slipper (Tenerife, 2003), Living in Orsai (Tenerife, 2006), Death visits the nursing home (Tenerife, 2011) and assassination of a bishop (Tenerife, 2015) published by the Canarian publisher Baile del Sol.

Today, Friday, May 27, the cultural association The Ariadne’s Labyrinthof which he was a co-founding member, presents his posthumous book in a tribute ceremony at 6:00 p.m. Voice memory. It is a volume, promoted by the writers Ricardo Fernández, Felipe Sérvulo and José Florencio Martínez, in which thirty-six biographical sketches are collected on writers, musicians, singers, painters, poets and movie characters whom Costero dissects with his most relevant biographical data among which weaves psychological and critical notes of his life and work.

Ariadna’s Labyrinth is a non-profit association that was born in 2001 with the aim of promoting literature, a group composed mainly of poets and storytellers. This cultural project, of which Costero was a co-founder and to which he was linked until his death, follows the spirit of the great poet, playwright and novelist Salvador Espriu, whose works Songs of Ariadne y Ariadne in the grotesque maze inspired its founders to choose the name of the entity.

About José Costero, who had been a member of the Collegiate Association of Writers of Catalonia (ACEC), his friends say that he had “a Machadian sense of the word, a good man who had a deep sense of humanism and social justice. For this reason, his literature always points to man, to the depths of the heart where the anguish of existence has its root. ”

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