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Memo: what is it used for and how do you get it from your insurer?

Written by Meilleurtaux editorial team .
Updated on

September 5, 2024
Reading time:
3 min

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Memo: what is it used for and how do you get it from your insurer?

For economic and ecological concerns, the green card has ceased to be printed from April 1, 2024. In the event of an investigation, the police will simply consult the special database, which is the insured vehicle file (FVA). For drivers, however, it is always a good idea to keep the vehicle insurance memo close at hand.

Why keep the vehicle insurance memo with the vehicle papers?

Even if it is controlledauto identity done today in a completely dematerialized way, it is always useful to have the memo. First, at the time of subscription, the FVA it is not updated immediately. Therefore, within the following 15 days, the presentation of this document confirms the car cover. After that, if an accident occurs, the consultation du FVA it does not provide information about the level of protection (third party insurance, broken glass, all risks). However, the mechanic and anyone involved in the accident must know this information that only the memos provide information.

The memo is also useful if you are traveling to a country outside the European Union. Of course, outside of this area, the centralized database is not accessible. In addition, the legislation may change. The presentation of the document is therefore a proof of warrant according to the legislation. You need to be careful, as some insurers do not cover claims outside the EU.

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How do you get your memo from your insurer?

Some insurers provide a memorandum of the insured vehicle at the time of underwriting. However, for the online subscriptionsas is the case for a growing number of contracts, this document is no longer available in physical form. You must then print it by going to the insurance’s customer interface, usually in the documents section for download.

It is possible to present the memo in digital form to the police or the mechanic. The complete list of information found there makes it possible to verify the validity of the insurance. If in doubt, they can contact the insurers directly.

To remember

  • The insurance vehicle memorandum is useful while you are waiting for the FVA to be renewed or from a mechanic in charge of the application.
  • The document can be downloaded from the insured’s personal account, who will have the option to print it or display it in digital form.

Memo: what is it used for and how do you get it from your insurer?

Written by
Meilleurtaux editorial team

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2024-09-08 20:18:04
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