Home » today » Entertainment » Memo Remigi and the case of harassment of Jessica Morlacchi on Rai 1- Corriere.it

Memo Remigi and the case of harassment of Jessica Morlacchi on Rai 1- Corriere.it

from Maria Volpe

On Friday, the episode that took place during the program “Today is another day” hosted on Rai1 by Serena Bortone every day at 2 pm Dagospia launched the case (yesterday also reported by “Striscia la Notizie”)

A harassment on Rai1. One hand, that of Memo Remigithat slides down over the back of Jessica Morlacchi. This is what «Dagospia» writes, and which is confirmed by sources in Viale Mazzini. All true, then. Not only that: the whole company is compact in stigmatizing the episode that happened last Friday in the program of Serena Bortone “Today is another day”, broadcast every day on Rai1, at 2 pm.

A program that Bortone conducts with great professionalism, ranging from moments of great joy and lightheartedness, to moments of political analysis, current affairs, interviews with well-known personalities. And as Serena calls them, next to her, in the studio, there are the “stable affections”, a variegated and likeable cast including Jessica Morlacchi, amazing voice, leader of Gazosa; Laura Freddi, and precisely Memo Remigi who is at the piano. After years of happy coexistence, it certainly could not have been imagined that such a questionable episode could happen.

Friday after the broadcast – during which few had noticed what had happened – an anonymous tweet appeared that gave an account of the episode. Since then, Serena in the first place, and all the top management of Rai, have huddled close to Jessica and of course they have decided that Memo Remigi would no longer be present on the broadcast from Monday.

So we read on Dagospia: «So on 21 October the journalist-presenter appeared on Rai1 at around 2 pm for the usual launch of the episode, rattling off the themes and names of the guests. The direction in the foreground frames Remigi and Jessica Morlacchi, then detaches from Serena Bortone but behind you can clearly see the 83-year-old singer’s hand resting on Morlacchi’s side. Hand descending until you reach side B with a visible palpation on live TV. The leader of Gazosa does not like and slaps the hand of the singer and to avoid a new groping of her brings it back up beside her, holding her still. Episode not escaped to viewers and yesterday reported by Strip the news who spoke of the “Memo Remigi hormonal storm” ».

Meanwhile, Memo Remigi on Fanpage releases an interview to clear himself where he says: “No harassment of Jessica Morlacchi, I’m not a lustful man”


October 27, 2022 (change October 27, 2022 | 14:02)

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