Five members of the criminal structure that committed crimes in La Plata, Nátaga, Tesalia, Yaguará, Palermo and Teruel were sentenced to pay a 20-year prison sentence for committing crimes such as conspiracy to commit a crime; aggravated extortion; illegal use of private uniforms, drug trafficking; and manufacture or possession of firearms, accessories, parts or ammunition.
The material collected by the investigators of the Prosecutor’s Office was conclusive for a judge to hand down the sentence against five former members of the Residual Organized Armed Group (Gaor) ‘Dagoberto Ramos’, who committed crimes in Huila.
crime radar
The evidence collected shows that José Alexander Guetocué Cuello, Luz Emilse López Pencué, Israel Jeromito Quinto, Héctor Arturo Ecue Quinto and Jairo Jorge Pame, would have participated in a series of intimidating acts such as telephone calls, pamphlets and personal meetings with which they terrorized the residents of the municipalities of La Plata, Nátaga, Tesalia, Yaguará, Palermo and Teruel.
The death threats made the victims hand over approximately 70 million pesos as a way to avoid being killed or suffering damage to their properties and businesses. In one of the cases, the victim was forced to hand over 30 million pesos in April 2021 so as not to be murdered in the municipality of Teruel.
Another person did the same with 20 million pesos, after receiving a threatening pamphlet. The articulated work between the Prosecutor’s Office, the Police Gaula and the National Army allowed that in 2021; in the rural area of Teruel, the now condemned were captured.
During these operations, firearms, more than 60 million pesos in cash, cell phones, and military clothing were seized. The defendants were found guilty of the crimes of conspiracy to commit a crime for extortion purposes, aggravated extortion, illegal use of uniforms and insignia, use of minors to commit crimes, trafficking, manufacture or possession of narcotics, and trafficking, manufacture or possession of firearms, accessories, parts or ammunition.
After the hearings, the judge considered that Guetocué Cuello must serve a sentence of 22 years in prison. The others involved were sentenced to 21 and a half years in prison. All will have to pay fines greater than 16,266 current legal monthly minimum wages (SMLMV) and face a disability to exercise public rights and functions for 20 years.