BRUSSELS — «The tactics of the submarine». Staying under the surface of the water and therefore of controversy. Be seen and noticed as little as possible. After the first confrontation in Maastricht between the so-called top candidates (the candidates for the presidency of the Commission) Ursula von der Leyen is changing strategy. Those who frequent his staff, especially among the German exponents of the EPP, explain that this last month is considered very dangerous. That the overtures made on that occasion to the Conservatives of the ECR, the party led by Giorgia Meloni, they left some wounds. In the relationship with his own party, with some fundamental Chancelleries such as those of Paris and Berlin, so much so that “it is essential to enter the phase of silence”. «Because now – explain the same sources – the electoral campaign is a risk. You must make as few mistakes as possible. In the hope that these days will pass by very quickly.”
The outgoing president of the Commission has therefore understood that the relationship with Palazzo Chigi and with the European right is becoming a handicap. It’s not just a matter of having provoked irritation in the Elysée and in his compatriot, the socialist Scholz, but also that the PSE’s strategy of bringing together the EPP and the Conservatives in a single front is enjoying success. In the polls and also in the real results: just think of Portugal, Spain and even the very recent Catalonia. And then he has to change the style of his “running”. Also with respect to the alliances to be built within the European Council. At first he had bet on the majority in Parliament, now he first needs to rebuild a relationship with the “big partners” of the EU.
The Newsletter. The European elections in Germany, the CDU challenges the AfD so as not to give the first European economy to those nostalgic for Nazism
by our correspondent Tonia Mastrobuoni
«Until a few months ago – they still say – she felt at the center of everything. Now she isn’t anymore. On the contrary”. Not only because powerful alternative candidacies like that of have emerged Mario Draghi, but also because having agreed to represent the EPP transformed her into a partisan and not “super partes” competitor. Precisely for this reason you need to reconstitute a coalition among the governments of the 27 that decides to designate you as a candidate after the elections. In short, you must convince France, Germany, Spain and Italy to support you. For this reason you must make people forget – as you tried to do yesterday in Rome – that you fought alongside Meloni and that you always created a side with the Conservatives. And at the same time you cannot interrupt the dialogue with Palazzo Chigi.
A truly complicated balancing act. Just look at what happened yesterday in the Italian capital. Where Von der Leyen participated in an event organized by FI but behind closed doors and avoiding meeting the prime minister. We must keep in mind an element that is creating a lot of controversy in Germany, namely the country of the president of the Commission. Many begin to simply ask: does the ECR not have one top candidate, is it due to the fact that Meloni supports Ursula? A question that creates embarrassment on the top floor of Palazzo Berlaymont.
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It is, therefore, a difficult exercise to carry out. Of a run on a very slippery ridge. It is no coincidence that yesterday I accepted the invitation of Antonio Tajani, deputy prime minister and leader of FI. He cannot do without it because he considers the popular Italians indispensable to block Draghi’s way. And at the same time he must not expose himself too much until the next European Council so as not to cause annoyance Macron (liberale), Scholz (socialist) and Sanchez (socialist).
Yesterday the game succeeded in part thanks to FI’s need not to show its presence excessively. The words spoken the day before yesterday by Licia Ronzulli who had defined Von der Leyen as a lame horse, in fact, have exacerbated the internal conflict. Tajani considered it a way to put him in difficulty by making him imagine that after Ursula he could be the candidate chosen by the EPP. To avoid controversy, therefore, FI also tried to “silence” the appointment. But there are many traps awaiting von der Leyen. And this time no one excludes the possibility of something happening that has never happened in the history of the Union: a candidate for the presidency of the Commission nominated by the European Council and rejected by Parliament. An eventuality that would mess up all the cards. Opening the doors to an emergency solution.
#Meloni #obstacle #Von #der #Leyen #ignores #submarine #tactic
– 2024-05-14 02:05:12