Politics will debut on television as Prime Minister in a special Porta a Porta in the access time of Rai 1, broadcast on Wednesday instead of Soliti Ignoti
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Source: RaiPlay
Bruno Vespa interview Giorgia Meloni. The video pairing is certainly not new: several times in the past the doyen of Rai journalists hosted in his television living room the leader of the Brothers of Italy. This time though the event – coming up Rai 1 – it will be a firstfruit in its own way, because it will be there first interview on TV granted by Roman politics in the new role of Prime Minister.
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The preview comes from Tvblog, which leaks data and details Of new journalistic scoop marked by Bruno Vespa. Here you are door to door special with Giorgia Meloni will find space in the schedule of the first network Wednesday 21 Decemberand for the occasion – according to the indiscretion launched by the site – Viale Mazzini plans one unreleased slot for Vespa’s television habits. The face-to-face between the journalist and the new prime minister will indeed enjoy the most prestigious stage of the television dayor that ofaccess in the early evening. This is the time slot in which Rai 1 gets listen higherwhich just recently returned to host the game show Usual unknownsforced to miss several appointments during the last month to make room for the evening games of World Cup 2022 in Qatar.
Next Wednesday, Amedeo he will therefore have to pass the baton to Bruno Vespa and his special Porta a Porta, which will host Giorgia Meloni around 20:30in the parenthesis between the Tg1 in the evening and the prime time programme, which on this occasion will be “Arnoldo Mondadori, books to change the world“, the TV film by Francesco Miccichè starring the actors Michael PlacidoFlavio Parenti and Valeria Cavalli.
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