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Meloni celebrates two years of government: “Historical records achieved”. Schlein: “Only cuts and precarious work. Italians don’t celebrate”

A self-celebratory video posted on social media to express satisfaction with two years of government. “On 22 October 2022 I took the oath as President of the Council of Ministers. Today, two years later, if I look back, I think that I have never held back. I am satisfied with the results and goals that we have achieved in these two years achieved for Italy and I am also aware of how much work there is still to do.” Giorgia Melonigreen jacket, on the occasion of the second anniversary of his executive, lists the “records achieved” in these two years. However, goals and numbers have been dismantled by the opposition. Starting from the leader of the Democratic Party, Elly Schleinwho replies: “Our opinion is clear and negative from every point of view, because it is a government that, since it has been in existence, has cut back on public health, has cut back on social issues by not sending the mayors what is needed to counteract the poverty and inequalities, to support services, has further made work precarious and makes fun of the results obtained by others, it does not have an industrial plan for Italy, it attacks with all violence the vulnerable, their rights and denies the climate emergency by not providing answers even on this ground.”

Healthcare, South, Mattei plan: the fact checking that dismantles “the historical records” achieved by the Meloni government

by Antonio Fraschilla

October 22, 2024

Meloni’s self-celebratory video

The Prime Minister’s list continues: “In the coming years we will continue to work with determination, with commitment, to consolidate these results and to fully respect the pact we have signed with the Italian citizens”. His government, he underlines, “has worked tirelessly to implement the program with which we presented ourselves to the Italians and on which we had obtained the trust of many of them in the elections of 25 September 2022. In recent years we have returned to Italy a new centrality on the international scene, we have relaunched economic growth and employment, we have achieved several historical records – continues the Prime Minister in the social video -: never so many stable jobs, never so many permanent contracts, never have so many working women. We have protected our industrial production fabric from the effects of the energy crisis and geopolitical challenges. We have initiated reforms that have been overdue for decades in this nation. “We have secured the state’s accounts, defended the purchasing power of families, with particular attention to those who had children and the most vulnerable groups in our society. We have allocated a level of resources to healthcare that no government has ever allocated before. We are aware of the challenges that await us, but we are also aware of the fact that together we can build a stronger, safer, more prosperous Italy for everyone. Thank you – Meloni concluded – for your trust and for your support, because they are the engine that drives us to move forward. As long as you are there, we are there too.”

The oppositions

However, according to the opposition, the “records” presented by Meloni were not achieved. Schlein expresses an “extremely negative opinion on this government. But what matters more than our opinion is that of the people who today find it more difficult to do the shopping, who wait a year and a half to take an exam and otherwise have to take 500 euros out of their own pockets to go to the private sector, because they can’t wait for it. . I know that they intend to celebrate today, those who have little to celebrate are the Italians”, comments the Democratic secretary while she is in Umbria to support the candidacy of Stefania Proietti as governor of the Region. Irene Manzileader of the PD group in the Culture Committee of the Chamber, adds: “It was well known that he was the executive of the ideology but after Meloni’s words on the two years of government, today we know that it is also one of lies. Which Italy does Meloni describe? That of the cuts to culture, schools and universities? That of zero-cost spot measures? We agree with the president on one thing: there is still a lot to work on but exactly in the opposite direction”.

He intervenes on X Chiara Bragaleader of the Pd group in the Chamber: “Dear President, two facts: the lowest salaries in Europe and the highest child poverty (1 million and 300 thousand in absolute poverty). What is there to be proud of while 4.5 million Italians have given up on treatment? President, yours is a country of dreams. The awakening will be terrible.”

The M5S is also on the attack. “On the day in which Giorgia Meloni desperately tries to celebrate two years of government, yet another freezing shower arrives on the country’s growth. After the Bank of Italy and the Parliamentary Budget Office, Confindustria also revises growth estimates downwards for the 2024, setting them at a paltry +0.8% of GDP. In short, we are in the wake of the equally meager +0.7% achieved by the centre-right government in 2023, with Italy behind countries such as France, Spain, Portugal and Belgium. and many others – he observes Elisa PirroM5S group leader in the Senate Budget Committee – And to think that in the video and in the self-celebratory brochure of these two years of government, truly aberrant documents, Giorgia Meloni starts acting Wanna Marks trying to sell the relaunch of economic growth as a result”.

For Italia viva, Senator Enrico Borghi, group leader in the Senate, observes: “When a government has run out of fuel for the idea of ​​change, and entrusts everything to communication and confrontation with others in the perpetual search for the scapegoat on which to unload the weight of its mistakes, has already taken the downward slope. And after two years it leaves behind a country that is more gloomy, more anxious and angrier (and which in fact is no longer producing children), he writes in a post on social media. AND Marco

Grimaldivice-president of Avs in the Chamber, adds: “After two years of Meloni’s government we certainly have 500 more days in prison for various crimes, thanks to the various Rave, Cutro, Caivano decrees. They hate dissent, minorities, starting with the LGBTQI+, but even more the climate and poor people. They want us armed to the teeth and at full throttle against the ecological transition. With the lowest wages in Europe, they liberalize forms of precarious work and blank resignations. The only people celebrating are tax evaders and white collar workers. We will continue to hit hard (without ever losing our tenderness, quote Che Guevara)”.

The majority

Instead, the majority rejoices Antonio Tajani a Matteo Salvini. For the Italian vice-premier and foreign minister it is “a very positive balance sheet, unemployment has decreased, the stock market is doing well, the spread is doing well, we have won all the battles, we count more on the international stage, exports have reached important levels , we are the fourth world commercial power, we were the sixth – he says from Pescara to the G7 Development – ​​I would say that the economy is going in the right direction. Are we satisfied? No. We have three more years of work. We must increase wages because there are too many Italians who have low wages below the poverty line and this is unacceptable, so we will work to achieve this goal with all the maneuvers, cutting the tax burden, helping working mothers, all choices that are going in this direction”. For the Northern League deputy prime minister and Minister of Transport “the centre-right government is pursuing the coalition’s electoral program with determination, reaching historic goals”. And he lists what has been done: “The 44 billion for roads and railways, investments for major works, the law on autonomy, over 29 thousand hirings in the police force and more severe penalties against eco-vandals and pickpockets, increases in pay for employees, pensioners and teachers in addition to the record employment rate , despite a difficult international scenario. This day confirms the government’s unity: the League will continue to do its part with courage, common sense and concreteness. For Italy, for Italian women, for Italians. Full speed ahead!”, writes Salvini on social media.

Fratelli d’Italia on Facebook takes it out on some opposition members: “What did the left do in the two years of Meloni’s government: laugh”, he writes, attaching a minute and a half video to the post – with ‘Maracaibo’ from the soundtrack – in which the secretary of the Democratic Party is seen dancing on a stage together with the dem MEP Alessandro Zan. Then there was the insult addressed to the prime minister by the governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca. Other images therefore show the secretary of +Europa, Riccardo Magi, blocked in front of the migrant center in Shengjin, Albania. The M5S MP, Vittoria Baldino and Susanna Cherchi, also find space in the clip: the former is shown in the Chamber accusing Meloni of being “a liar”, the latter stating “don’t forget Piazzale Loreto”. At the end, Schlein is still the protagonist during the duet with J-Ax at the Articolo 31 concert. The video ends with the writing “lucky they are in the opposition”.

Second Thomas Fotigroup leader of the Brothers of Italy in Montecitorio, “while Meloni today celebrates his second year of government – which makes him the seventh longest in republican history – the left opposition can only cry”. “Two years of centre-right government have done well for Italy: economic indicators are growing and our European and international role has been strengthened”, comments the president of Noi Moderati Maurizio Lupi. The Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè underlines the work done in these 24 months with the government which “has been able to face enormous challenges with determination and courage, carrying out ambitious reforms. We have restored centrality to Italy on the international scene and relaunched key sectors such as tourism, culture and Made in Italy”.

#Meloni #celebrates #years #government #Historical #records #achieved #Schlein #cuts #precarious #work #Italians #dont #celebrate

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