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Meloni, attack against the M5S in the Senate. And Conte attacks the Chamber

Giorgia Meloni today in the Senate hard-nosed against the M5S. In her replies, the prime minister launched an attack on the grillini on the topic of the ecological transition, responding to what she defined as a “sequence of lies” reported by a Cinquestelle senator. “If I have to have an exponent of the M5S explain to me what I said, I will resign…”, the words of the Prime Minister in the Chamber, words which in the evening aroused a strong reaction with a reply from the five-star leader Giuseppe Conte during the reply to the Room.

Meloni’s attack on the M5S in the Senate

During the replies to the Senate, after her communications in view of the European Council, the Prime Minister responded harshly to the intervention of Senator M5S Bevilacqua, pointing the finger at “the series of inaccuracies mixed with lies” that in her opinion would have arrived from the 5 Star Movement.

“I said that if in making the ecological transition we impose the use of a single technology, which is electric, we hand ourselves over to new dependencies. I don’t know if you didn’t understand but the concept is not difficult” stated Meloni, addressing the five-star senator. “If I have to have an exponent of the M5S explain what I said, I will resign…”, he then joked.

Conte’s reply to the Chamber: “Here are all his lies”

“Today, Meloni, you said something interesting, namely that you will resign when an exponent of the 5 Star Movement explains to you the meaning of your words. I’ll try. When you said yes to the birth rate it meant doubling taxes on diapers and baby products? When you said cancellation of excise duties did you mean an increase in excise duties, when you said help for pensioners and a stop to the Fornero law did you mean cuts to pension revaluations blockade of trains. When you said you wanted to give ample space to merit you meant to say ‘we will only give credit to family members and our friends'”, Giuseppe Conte’s reply in his speech in the Chamber after the Prime Minister’s reply.

“When you said no to regionalism – continues Conte -, you meant a reform that strengthens the regions to the point of splitting Italy. When you preached the fight against the mafia you meant let’s wage war on anti-mafia champions like De Raho and Scarpinato . Stop it.”

“Where are the investments in security? Have you seen that 23 thousand units are missing in our cities? Compared to my government, in 2019, street robberies increased by 23%, and you are diverting economic and human resources to send 16 migrants to Albania who will then return, while a thousand arrive in 24 hours in Lampedusa. Where are his furious posts against security? He no longer deals with it now that he is in government”, the attack of the five-star president.

“Don’t tell us the fairy tale of the strong powers anymore. Be honest with yourself: the strong powers are on a honeymoon with your government. Stop with this conspiracy victimism, take off the shell of Calimero”, continues Conte, who concludes: “The Italians voted for her to govern, not to complain about the fatigue of governing and various conspiracy theories. Governments are capable of it.”

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