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Melina Johnsen: – Admits corona bluff

In July wrote Dagbladet that “Ex on the Beach” participant Melina Johnsen (24) and her friend Jamilla Wais (25) had traveled on holiday to Dubai – a country marked as red on FHI’s overview – which means that travelers must be in ten days quarantine upon return to Norway.

Already two days after the trip home, however, a picture of Johnsen appeared in a restaurant on her own Instagram profile. Then it hailed with comments of the critical kind.

<img itemprop="image" data-defer="view" title="REFERENCE FOR THIS: Melina Johnsen claims that she was in quarantine, despite the fact that she posted a picture on Instagram from a restaurant. Photo: Screenshot / Instagram” alt=”REFERENCE FOR THIS: Melina Johnsen claims that she was in quarantine, despite the fact that she posted a picture on Instagram from a restaurant. Photo: Screenshot / Instagram “class =” “srcset =” https://www.dagbladet.no/images/72986223.jpg?imageId=72986223&x=0&y=0&cropw=99.278499278499&croph=100&width=534&height=396&compression=70 640w : //www.dagbladet.no/images/72986223.jpg? imageId = 72986223 & x = 0 & y = 0 & cropw = 99.278499278499 & croph = 100 & width = 632 & height = 469 & compression = 80 1024w, https: //www.dagbladet.no/images/72986223.jpg ? imageId = 72986223 & x = 0 & y = 0 & cropw = 99.278499278499 & croph = 100 & width = 688 & height = 510 & compression = 80 1240w “src =” https://www.dagbladet.no/images/72986223.jpg?imageId=72986223&x=4992_0 = 100 & width = 688 & height = 510 “/>
REFERENCE FOR THIS: Melina Johnsen claims that she was in quarantine, despite the fact that she posted a picture on Instagram from a restaurant. Photo: Screenshot / Instagram
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Among those who used the big sledgehammer on the reality participant was former football player, now “Farmen” host and influencer, Mads Hansen.

After the storm had flared up, she denied the allegations . She then claimed that it was an old picture she had published.

– I broke the quarantine

Two months later, however, she admits that this was a lie. She does this to reality colleague Isabelle Eriksen (24) in her podcast «Realitypodden». Among other things, the two discuss the topic of travel under the corona.

– I have done it, it is allowed to travel, but then you have to keep the damn quarantine, then, she says, whereupon the podcast host asks how it went.

BACK: Melina Johnsen is in the third season of “Ex on the beach”. Video: Dplay / Red Carpet
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– Now I have to be honest. I thought I would be in quarantine for 48 hours after I got home, because then you get an answer on the corona test. I was so stupid that I went out. I went out to eat with a friend. I posted a picture of it, and there was a lot of storm around just that. Mads Hansen took me, and there was no way. But I broke the quarantine, she says.

The 24-year-old also says that the quarantine breach can have consequences for her.

– I will interrogate regarding this, with the police. They have proof that I have broken the quarantine. I think it will be a fine of 20,000 kroner, she says.

That’s why she lied

She also confirms this to Dagbladet. She says that she was not sure how long the quarantine was, but that she took the chance that it was 48 hours.

Johnsen says that she chose to lie to avoid more neatness.

– It was chaos. There is never anyone to say anything nice, but just say shit.

However, she chooses to admit the quarantine breach now because she wants to take responsibility for what she did.

– You just have to stand for what you have done, and try to make up for it. I have admitted it now, but it would probably come out sooner or later anyway. I do not know if I regret that I lied, but I could have stood up and been honest before, she says.

CHANGE: Melina Johnsen let the camera team from “Influencers” join in when she had to make a change in appearance. Video: Dplay / Kine Falch. Reporter: Thea Hope
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There are a number of examples of people who have broken the quarantine and who has received high fines.

In April, it became known that a 22-year-old man from Oslo had been charged with four quarantine violations, and in one of the cases he was fined 39,000 kroner.

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