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Melania Trump, the more influential and less a victim of what is believed | People

When the 7 of October 2016 leaked a tape in which then-republican presidential candidate Donald Trump boasted that “when you’re a star, you leave them any thing. Grab for the pussy…”, his wife Melania I was renegotiating her prenuptial agreement. Fine-tune the details of the documents, and not the need of that his son Barron the end of his school course in Manhattan, was the reason why both took six months for the move to the White Housewhere they had already installed her husband. The content of the conversation macho that brought to light by the media, which raised a wave of protests by feminists, he served as the brand-new first lady to use it to your advantage and get a more advantageous deal for her. All of this at least is what counts new unauthorized biography about Melania, entitled The art of her deala play on words that makes reference to the autobiography of Trump that is called The art of The deal (The art of negotiating).

The author of the book launched this Tuesday is Mary Jordan, journalist The Washington Post and winner of a Pulitzer Prize, and to write it has talked with more than a hundred people. The volume reveals a Melania much more influential and calculator that the image of victim that served as the basis for the creation of the concept of “free Melania”. Although in general the praise to the first lady out of sources with name and surname, and the most critical information comes from talkers anonymous The art of her deal manages to reveal details that until now were rumors, or were not public knowledge. One of them is precisely this re-negotiation of the prenuptial agreement that existed between the marriage. “She wanted written evidence that, in terms of the financial opportunities and the inheritance, Barron would be treated as an equal to the three elder sons of Trump,” writes Jordan.

There is also the relationship that exists between the wife of Trump and his daughter Ivanka. While Melania was still living in New York, Ivanka Trump, who is also an advisor to the u.s. president, made use of the private residence of the presidential residence, “as if it were your own home”. He visited the theatre suite and enjoyed all the advantages of the White House. Something that, according to what is said in the book, not liked to Melania and did it to impose “firm limits” on how much he moved permanently to Washington. In those early days of accommodation of the family of the mogul, Ivanka proposed to change the name of the Office of the First Lady for the First Office family, something that Melania rejected, the author tells of the work. The rivalry between the two women it has been present in several of the books that have been published about the enigmatic third wife Trump, who has built a wall is unfathomable to the media, who seem obsessed with discovering it.

Apparently your life is more simple of what you would like to the press. The first lady spends a great part of his time with his son, Barron, and with their parents. The young man of 14 years speaks slovenian and has dual nationality. And in this language to communicate with mother and son on many occasions, to the point that “Trump has complained to others that have no idea what they are saying,” when it is used. The book also puts in doubt the five languages that says manage Melania Trump, 50 years old. The author account that could not verify that you to speak with fluency any other that was not English and their mother tongue. That’s despite the fact that Melania was studying first year architecture and design at the University of Ljubljana when he won a contest that took her to Milan, where he worked for many years. A fact that has not allowed us to confirm that you know something more than say hello in Italian.

After its passage by the capital of fashion, Melania moved to New York. Of that time, Mary Jordan spoke with your ex-partner floor, who said that before he met Trump, he liked to see Friendseating seven fruits and vegetables a day, did not drink alcohol and was walking with ankle weights. In 2001, he received a visa of residence popularly known as Einstein, which is given to foreign personalities with “extraordinary abilities”. At the MET Gala, 2004, the annual event more glamorous New York —if not the world—, Trump asked her for marriage, and the couple married in 2005. For 2006, Melania already had the american nationality and was the mother of his first and only child, the fifth of whom is now the president of the united States and before a powerful businessman.

For the environment official of the first lady, the work of Jordan is “another book about mrs. Trump with information and sources to be false. This book belongs to the genre of fiction”, have been the words you used to describe it, Stephanie Grisham, head of cabinet of Melania Trump. But neither this statement, nor the fact that on Amazon it is listed in the section of Fashion, has prevented anything more exiting is the most sold in hardcover and the second most sold, in its version for the Kindle. And is that the people want to know details of the presidential couple. If the first lady and her husband sleep in separate rooms, as confirmed by Jordan. Or if it is some enmity with Ivanka, who has been called “the princess” on a couple of occasions, according to the volume just published. Although you would like to confirm if the first lady is or is not happy, you will not see clear the mystery because according to the author “many in the world of Trump are governed by confidentiality agreements”and Melania, once more, not wanted to talk.

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