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Melania Trump hated by Americans: this poll that hurts

A poll, carried out by the American company Zogby Analytics, revealed the popularity of the last twelve first ladies of the United States. Melania Trump finds herself in the penultimate place in this ranking.

The former first lady of the United States is in turmoil right now. After the publication of the book I’ll Take Your Questions Now by Stephanie Grisham, which portrays an inglorious portrait of Melania Trump, it is a new poll that tarnishes the image of Donald Trump’s wife. Produced by Zogy Analytics, and taken over by the Mail Online, it pits the last twelve first ladies of the United States against each other to determine which is the most popular with public opinion. For this, 5,437 potential voters were questioned. With only 34.1% of the vote, Melania Trump comes in penultimate place, just ahead of Pat Nixon, who obtained 27.7% of the vote, and behind Hillary Clinton.

If these three women find themselves in the bottom places of the ranking, it is not really a coincidence. As pointed out by Mail Online, they have all been in a relationship with contested presidents or they were themselves contested. Donald Trump has, throughout his presidency, had to face serious criticism not only for the political decisions he was making, but also for his behavior. For her part, Melania Trump is one of the first ladies to organize the fewest public events.

Kennedy, Obama and Reagan, America’s Favorite First Ladies

On the other side of this ranking, we find Jacqueline Kennedy, in first place with 65.4%, followed by Michelle Obama (50.8%) then Nancy Reagan (50.2%). Here again, the ranking should not have surprised the Americans. The Kennedys were considered the most glamorous presidential couple as early as 1961, when they entered the White House. Americans’ fascination with Jacqueline Kennedy continued to increase after the assassination of Jack Kennedy. Michelle Obama is a first lady who has shown herself enormously in public, fighting for causes close to her heart, such as children’s health or the fight against childhood obesity. Commitments that resonate a lot in popular American families. Finally, Jacqueline Kennedy, Michelle Obama and Nancy Reagan were all married to America’s three most beloved presidents.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

Photo credits: The White House via BestImage

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