Libreville, June 14, 2023 (AGP) – By decree N°005/MENFC of May 9, 2023, creating new centers for the Baccalaureate in general education, 2023 session, the Lycée Mohammad Mouapa Beotsa, erected as an independent examination center , registers, this year, 132 candidates of series B, A1 and D who face, since June 10, the written tests of the said exam.
The visit, on Tuesday June 13, before the launch of the second written test of economic and social sciences, after that of the EPS on June 10, 2023, enabled the Prefect of the Zadié department, Brice Aimé Malingui, to ensure the effectiveness of the arrangements made for the smooth running of the tests.
He was accompanied by a strong delegation, made up of the mayor of the commune of Mekambo, Serge Crépin Epemi, the President of the Departmental Council, François Dioba, the Brigade Commander, Thymoleon Mvele.
Family photo of the delegation, after the visit of the said Centre.
This visit, initiated and guided by the President of the Center, Hugues Bissagou and the President of the Jury, Pr. Pamphile Biyoghé, accompanied by the head of the secretariat, Georges Boupo and the headmaster, Alexandry Ilongo Adamou, also responsible for logistics, was an opportunity for the various representatives of the actors of the baccalaureate to salute the initiative of the highest authorities of the country in the forefront of which the Gabonese President, Ali Bongo Ondimba, for whom youth remains sacred.
Anything that justifies the effective opening of a second Baccalaureate examination center in the province of Ogooué Ivindo. The said Center has a staff of 132 candidates distributed as follows: 75 in series B, 49 in series A1 and 08 in series D.