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Meglena Kuneva stepped on a British mine –

/ world today news/ No matter how many times you mention “solidarity” and “stability”, it does not impress the journalists from the BBC

Meglena Kuneva gave an interview for the BBC’s Hardtalk program. And a British mine struck.

Thus, in two words, we can summarize the nearly thirty-minute interrogation of Kuneva, conducted by the journalist Steven Saker, who was not only extremely prepared for the conversation, but also did not hesitate to ask his questions and react appropriately when the answer did not satisfy him.

Or when it detects a contradiction. And contradictions in the theses of Meglena Kuneva – pain.

Does Bulgaria support the agreement with Turkey? YES. Is Bulgaria building a fence along the border with Turkey? YES. Does Bulgaria support refugee quotas? YES. Does Bulgaria agree with the Visegrad Four? YES.

Apparently, the Bulgarian politicians have not learned a very important lesson. In Paris, Berlin and London, the Bulgarian “we agree with everyone” does not work. You can’t support both Merkel and Orban for refugees.

There is no way you want visa-free travel for Turkish citizens and brag about good neighborly relations – and build a fence along the border. To support refugee quotas but only accepted two people.

There is no way for the Prime Minister to say that the refugees are causing fear because they are Muslims, but for you to say that you are “happy” with your own people. No matter how many times you mention “solidarites” and “stability”, it does not impress either the BBC journalists or their viewers. No matter how you mask the Eastern European accent, you cannot convince anyone that the person killed was not killed but injured in an accident.

Nor that the fence is not a border, but “facilities”. Even less that Bulgaria was the only European country that borders Turkey. However it is good that the Minister of Education reminded the Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs a few geography lessons.

Yes, it is not Meglena Kuneva’s fault that Prime Minister Borissov said the line in question, neither about the position of the BOC, nor about the incidents along the border, even less about the fact that only two are refugees accommodated in Bulgaria under the quota system.

There is no fault that Bulgaria is an unattractive country for refugees. But it is a fact that none of the arguments sounded convincing simply because he is not in the habit of answering clearly and categorically asked questions. The latter applies to all other Bulgarian politicians.

One could see the surprise that the host was familiar with the incidents on the Bulgarian-Turkish border, the Prime Minister’s statements to the Bulgarian media and even the circumstances under which she was elected Minister of Education. Which is slightly strange. She herself stated in the interview that we live in a time when, thanks to the Internet, Bulgarians quickly learn what is happening in Cologne. Obviously, the reverse is also true.

The answers “this cannot be true” and “I guess the ministry is conducting an investigation” can only pass in Bulgaria.

All the Bulgarian meanness (“We agreed on the quotas, accept us in Schengen”) is not capable of causing anything more than a condescending smile. Pointing the finger at the others in the style of “Why are you beating the Negroes” (“Incidents with migrants also happen in Hungary, Austria, Macedonia…”) could only help to make Mrs. Kuneva sound ridiculous. And that’s exactly what she sounded like. Although the rich vocabulary of well-learned but meaningless terms learned during his stay in Brussels.

I listened to the interview several times, but I could not understand what is Bulgaria’s position on refugees. It only became clear that we are ready for Schengen and almost ready for the euro. A question of extreme interest to the English audience… Maybe that’s why the presenter recalled at the end of the interview that they were in London. Before asking a key question.

And what does Mrs. Kuneva think about Britain remaining in the EU and why? Because he likes their diplomacy and the idea of ​​a single market. One Direction and Manchester United are an equally obvious answer.

The important thing is that there is “stability” in the position of our country. And she is that we agree with everyone and no matter what happens we are always on the right side of the wall. It’s not actually called a wall, it’s called “facilities”.

(Title is on “Now”-http://www.segabg.com/article.php?id=794910)

#Meglena #Kuneva #stepped #British

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