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Meghan Markle, disappointed and embittered: great suffering for the end of the relationship

For some time now as we all know Meghan Markle e Prince Harry separated from the royal family and went to live overseas first in Canada and now for a few weeks they have officially moved to the Angels together with their little Archie. There has been talk of Megxit, to give a name of the Sussex divorce from the Royal Family. But has it ever been understood why? Apparently it seems that at the origin of everything and therefore of the Harry and Meghan’s decision there was a desire to want to raise their son away from English court life. However, in the latter period it seems to have had to face some rather unpleasant situations such as the break with one of his best friends even if it is only an indiscretion and no confirmation has been given by the direct interested parties. We’re talking about di Jessica Mulroney. But what happened between the two?

Meghan Markle and Jessica Mulroney, what happened?

As we have already seen, it seems that in the latter period Meghan Markle somehow quarreled with a great friend of hers Jessica Mulroney. The latter seems to have attacked an influencer of color even threatening to ruin her career. This episode seems not to have liked Meghan Markle at all and it would have been a reason why the two friends would have argued heavily. However, the fact that the designer attacked a color influencer seems to have been the cause of her too dismissal from the ABC television station.

The woman seems to have tried to justify herself and to retrace her steps, but the situation would have degenerated so much that the woman ended up once again at the center of the controversy, also considering the rather delicate moment after what happened to George Floyd. But how did Meghan react? Initially the former actress seems to have tried to dif you suspend your friend from accusations of racism, even if she showed a lot mortified for what happened. Then she would seem to have decided to definitively break with her friend to avoid being associated with her image in this particular historical moment that we are experiencing. But is this really the case, or is it just gossip? We will have to wait a few days to understand how things really went. And with Harry? It seems that the two are increasingly in love with each other.

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