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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry plan to venture into the metaverse

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex never stop exploring new communication channels and realities that allow them to reach more and more people. That’s why they plan build your own virtual reality universe to bring your work closer to the new generations and they would already be in talks with a technology company to undertake the world’s first “land sale” in the metaverse, the next step for the Internet.


The metaverse – made up of meta, which comes from the Greek and means beyond and verse which refers to the universe – is a new virtual and 3D ecosystem in which users can interact with each other, work, play, study, make economic transactionss, among many other possibilities and in a decentralized way. While there have been a few metaverses, that is to be expected the development of Meta (formerly known as Facebook), owned by Mark Zuckerberg, is what drives this new post reality.

– Meghan Markle gives her first interview after Elizabeth II’s death and avoids talking about other family members

– The dizzying days that changed the lives of the Dukes of Sussex and in which Elizabeth II had the last word

In this virtual and augmented universe, users will put on headphones to enter a virtual world that mimics real life where goods, services and land can be exchanged using bitcoin, digitized currencies.


Enter the metaverse It would be the next step in the Sussexes’ strategy to become a global brand which would allow their avatars to be seen in a variety of environments such as games, business meetings or any type of action, as has been advanced The mirror.

Harry and Meghan have left social networks after leaving the Royal Family and the United Kingdom for, by the way, the hateful comments they received. However, in one of the episodes of Archetypes, the podcast of the Duchess, she herself acknowledged that she has made a new foray into the world of social networks. Now it seems that her return to the internet will be big and the most technological.

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Click to watch the documentary of Harry from England, Meghan Markle and her son Archie, a special episode of the Royals series. You can see more on the new video platform HELLO! PLAY, where you will find cooking, fashion, decoration and biographical documentaries of ‘royalty’ and ‘celebrity’. Do not miss it!

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