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Megawati sues Rp40 billion, 4 PDIP cadres don’t accept being fired

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Four members of the DPRD of Samosir Regency, North Sumatra from the Faction PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) filed a lawsuit against the General Chairperson of the PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri and Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto to the Balige District Court.

They filed a lawsuit because they felt they had been fired from the party without going through a legal process. The lawsuit is registered in case number 96/Pdt.Sus-Parpol/2021/PN blg.

The four plaintiffs are Saut Martua Tamba, Renaldi Naibaho, Harry Jono Situmorang, and Romauli Panggabean.

Stating that the Defendants have been proven to have committed unlawful acts (onrechtmatige daad) to the Plaintiffs,” reads an excerpt of the petition’s petition, citing the official website of the Belige District Court, Tuesday (5/10).

In their lawsuit, the four former cadres also asked the court to declare all actions or decisions of Defendants I and II to be invalid or null and void.

They also asked the court to order Mega to revoke the decision on the dismissal and compensation.

Punish the Defendants jointly to pay damages for both material and immaterial losses to the Plaintiffs in the amount of Rp.40,720,000,000, in cash and immediately after this case has permanent legal force (In Kracht Van Gewijsde),‘ said the petition.

The four former cadres also asked the court to declare the Application for Interim Change of Time (PAW) for DPRD members to be invalid and/or null and void. Previously, PDIP had appointed DPRD members to replace the four people through an interim shift (PAW).

In addition to suing Megawati and Hasto, the four former cadres also sued a number of other PDIP officials. Those who are also defendants are the Chairman of the PDIP Party Court, the Chairman of the North Sumatra PDIP DPD Rapidin Simbolon, and the chairman of the Samosir District PDIP DPC, Sorta Ertaty Siahaan.

When confirmed, the attorney for the defendant, BMS Situmorang hoped that the Balige District Court would not have the authority to try the case.

According to him, so far the plaintiffs have not taken any efforts to resolve the dispute through extra judicial means, namely at the PDIP Party Court as regulated in the PDIP Articles of Association and the Political Party Law.

“The plaintiffs said that for his dismissal, they had tried to reach a settlement through the party’s internal mechanism by coming directly to the PDIP DPP office on April 28, 2021 to submit/submit a letter of application,” he said when contacted. CNNIndonesia.com.

“On this information, of course the DPP and the PDI-P Party Court are very surprised, because they feel that they have never received a letter of request for dispute resolution on behalf of the plaintiffs,” he continued.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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