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Megawati Soekarnoputri Receives 10 Honorary Doctorates: Motivating the Younger Generation


Fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri has received 10 honorary doctorates from various campuses in the world at the age of 76. He admitted that he continues to pursue these achievements in order to motivate the younger generation.

Megawati initially admitted that she taught herself a lot or was self-taught to achieve these honorary degrees. Due to the political situation of the New Order era, as the son of Indonesian Proclaimer Soekarno, he was unable to continue his studies formally.

“Honoris causa is actually an honor given to people who have done something scientifically, so not only in theory, but also in implementation,” Megawati told reporters, Monday (2/10/2023).



He conveyed this to journalists after the award ceremony for an honorary doctorate degree in social sciences from Universiti Tun Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Selangor, Malaysia. Megawati explained that being able to get an award like hers was not easy.

Because of that, he felt very honored to be able to receive the 10th honoris causa. Currently 4 more degrees are pending, along with two honorary professorships.

“I actually want to initiate the younger generation, both men and women, not to get tired, not to feel like we can’t do it,” said Megawati.

Furthermore, he also encouraged experts in Indonesia to contribute their thoughts to the homeland and the nation.

For your information, Megawati has received a total of 10 honorary doctorates. Here’s the list:

1. Waseda University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 29 September 2001 (Politics).
2. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Moscow, Russia, 22 April 2003 (Politics).
3. Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan, South Korea, 19 October 2015 (Politics)
4. Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Bandung, Indonesia, 25 October 2016 (Politics and Government).
5. Padang State University (UNP), Padang City, Indonesia, 27 September 2017 (Political Education Sector).
6. Mokpo National University, Mokpo City, South Korea, November 16 2017 (Economic Democracy).
7. Institute for Domestic Government (IPDN), Bandung, Indonesia, March 8 2018 (Politics and Government).
8. Fujian Normal University (FNU), Fuzhou, Fujian, China, 5 November 2018 (Economic Diplomacy).
9. Soka University Japan, Tokyo, Japan, January 8 2020 (Humanities).
10. Tun Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Selangor, Malaysia, 2 October 2023 (Social Science Field).

Apart from that, Megawati has also received two honorary professorships:

1. Seoul Institute of the Arts (SIA), Seoul, South Korea, May 11 2022. (Arts Policy and Creative Economy Field).
2. Defense University (Unhan) RI, Bogor, Indonesia, 11 June 2021. (Field of Strategic Leadership).

Meanwhile, the President of UTAR, Ewe Hong Tat, stated that his party felt proud and heartened because they could donate an honorary diploma to Megawati.

“This is indeed a success that we feel where DR Hajjah Megawati has contributed a lot to the country of Indonesia and the country of Malaysia and the Asean region. We feel that what he did to help the public, the people are all indeed a good sign for all of us to work hard and study, so as to be able to serve and also contribute to society and the country itself,” said Dato’ Dr. Ewe Hong Tat.


2023-10-02 17:19:56

#Receiving #10th #Honoris #Causa #Age #Mega #Motivate #Young #Generation

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