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Megan Fox & Machine Gun Kelly drink each other’s blood

For “ritual purposes” the actress drinks a few drops of the rapper’s blood and vice versa…

engagement ring hurts
In early January 2022, Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox got engaged after 18 months together. In keeping with this, the actress presented her unusual engagement ring, which was made from her [Smaragd] and his birthstone [Diamanten] consists. The odd thing about it?

As the rapper explained, his fiancee can’t remove the ring without pain. “The ring is actually two rings. When assembled, it is held in place by a magnet. […] And the ribbons here are actually thorns. So when she tries to take it off, it hurts,” said MGK, who added, “Love is pain.”

Drinking each other’s blood
But not only the ring caused confusion since the engagement. Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox “drank each other’s blood” after their engagement and have maintained the ritual ever since. In an interview with “Glamour”, the mother of three explained: “It’s just a few drops. But, yes, we drink each other’s blood occasionally.”

Fox didn’t want to let that fact stand in the air and thus cause confusion: “Well, I guess ‘drinking’ each other’s blood could mislead people. Or they imagine we drink cups of blood from each other – like on ‘Game of Thrones’. It’s really just a few drops for ritual purposes. I read tarot cards, I’m interested in astrology, do all these metaphysical meditations and rituals on new moons and full moons. Stop all these things. It’s then like a kind of passage and [das Blut] is drunk because of it.”

Megan Fox also spoke about Machine Gun Kelly in the “Glamour” interview and explained that he was “a lot more haphazard, hectic and chaotic and ready to just cut open his chest with broken glass” so that she could receive his soul.

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