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MEF appoints Juan Pichihua as Superintendent of the Stock Market

The norm bears the signatures of the President of the Republic, Dina Boluarte Zegarra, and the Minister of Economy and Finance, José Arista Arbildo, and thanks are given for the services provided to Ms. Lorena Masías Quiroga, who had been occupying this position .

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) through Supreme Resolution No. 009-2024-EF appointed Mr. Zósimo Juan Pichihua Serna as Superintendent of the Securities Market.

Juan Pichihua is an Economist from the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, he has a Master of Arts in Economics from ILADES/Georgetown University as well as a Magister Scientiae in Agricultural Economics, from the Universidad Agraria, where he has also taught.

A career official of the MEF, he has held different positions and positions, serving from December 2022 until the beginning of this month as Vice Minister of Economy, being responsible for micro and macroeconomic policies that include issues of international economy, competition, productivity, public income, investment policy, customs policy, tariff policy, as well as in matters of fiscal decentralization, financial markets and private pensions.

Likewise, in previous years he has held positions in the MEF as a specialist, coordinator, director, executive director and general director, mainly in the General Directorate of Macroeconomic Policy and Fiscal Decentralization and its predecessors. In addition, he has been an advisor in the Office of the Vice Ministry of Economy.

As Director of Fiscal Decentralization Policy, he has participated in the design and implementation of important reforms regarding Fiscal Decentralization, such as the distribution of canon resources to regional and local governments; of compensatory funds, such as FONCOR and FONCOMUN, and subnational fiscal rules.

The Superintendence of the Securities Market is a technical and specialized organization, attached to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, whose purpose is to ensure the protection of investors, the efficiency of the markets that are under its supervision and to ensure the correct formation of prices. .

In addition, it supervises compliance with international auditing standards by the auditing companies authorized by the College of Public Accountants of Peru.

#MEF #appoints #Juan #Pichihua #Superintendent #Stock #Market
– 2024-04-27 03:31:31

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