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Meetings Positive Health for people with COPD in Makkum and Heeg

HEEG/MAKKUM – Zorgbelang Fryslân, Longfonds, local professionals and stakeholders from the region organize meetings together with in for people with COPD. These meetings take place in Makkum and Heeg. Positive Health is central. The aim is to discover, together with local residents who also have COPD, how you can look at health in a different way. The meetings are in April and May and participation is free.

About Positive Health
Health is more than not be sick. It’s also about how you feel. How you deal with changes. Or you enjoy your life. Even if you are sick, there is always something to make you happy and energized. Because even if a lung disease cannot be cured, there are gains to be made in other areas. Finding out what that is and getting to work with it: that is the goal of these meetings. That way you can still work on your health. We call that Positive Health. Machteld Huber (former general practitioner and researcher) is the driving force behind the idea of ​​Positive Health.

Want to know more or participate?
Interested parties can contact Mieke Bos of Zorgbelang Fryslân for information and registration. You can do this via e-mail: bos@zorgbelang-fryslan.nl or tel: 0854 832 433 More information is also on the website.

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