The Tome 5 bookstore welcomes Thomas C. Durand on March 23. He is the author of popular science and current affairs books. He is also at the origin of the YouTube channel “La trouche en bias”, devoted to critical thinking and zetetics.
But did you know that before that he was an author of fantasy novels? From his first saga The Riddles of Dawn (expected in four volumes), you can already discover the first two volumes. His latest novel, just published, is called Edges of the world and appeared in ActuSF editions. In the universe of Riddles of Dawn this novel focuses on the legendary and horribly famous prison of The Charter of Born Forces…
➤See you this Thursday, March 23, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at the Tome 5 bookstore. Tel. 03 82 85 61 01,