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Meeting the Demonstrators, Anies Claims to Continue His Aspirations about the Ciptaker Law


Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan together with Pangdam Jaya Maj. Gen. Dudung Abdurachman and Head of Metro Jaya Police Inspector General Nana Sujana met with a mass of students. They heard related student protests all the law Work Creation Act.

“Me and my friends from morning to night then remain strong in this movement, then demand what is a concern for the Indonesian nation, right? In front of the governor I respect, in some provinces in Indonesia each have expressed their attitude and then reject the Act all the law, “said a student representative at the HI Roundabout area, Central Jakarta, Thursday (10/8/2020).

He asked Anies to voice the attitude of the students refusing all the law The new Job Creation Law was passed by the DPR. Students said Anies’s statement was very important to reject the rule.

“So our request before returning home, Mr. Anies Baswedan, is expected that we as students as representatives of Indonesian society will then state our attitude so that later we reject the Law. all the law which was later passed by the DPR, “he said.

Statement It is important from Mr. Anies Baswedan that we really hope tonight so that we can go home with a calm heart, we can sleep, we can then do activities again, “he said.

Anies also responded to the student’s statement. Anies emphasized that he respects all parties who convey their aspirations.

“My friends, every citizen has the right to express his opinion. And every citizen can express his opinion today. We respect the rights of citizens. That’s why we’ve heard what their aspirations are, right? I want everyone to ensure that rights it is maintained. That right must not be lost because that is why our country is called our independent country, “said Anies.

Anies Baswedan (Ilman / detikcom)

Anies said that he would convey the aspirations of these students. Anies also advised students to stay orderly.

“Now I want to convey to all that what was the aspiration that was expressed, tomorrow we will convey it and we will continue the aspiration. Tomorrow we will have the meeting. So my friends, what was said earlier orally, many The recording is here, tomorrow will be continued and my friends remember that upholding justice is the responsibility of all of us and all of you are trying to uphold justice, “said Anies.

“Because of that, do your best, run in an orderly manner, ready in an orderly manner? Ready to arrive home safely? Ready to arrive at an orderly house? We have to prove that we are people whose words can be trusted. When we will say we will be orderly , show that order. When we will be able to maintain the safety of other citizens, show them the safety of those citizens. Is that right? ” continued Anies.

He also warned about the potential for transmission of COVID. Anies hopes that all students can return home safely.

“Especially now that there is an epidemic of COVID, this is all risky. His brothers who feel that they are fighters who are aware of fighters, go back to the hospital, they must all be healthy. Tomorrow I will continue, we will continue, our friends will continue. Now the time has sounded over, all of us, you I we return to our respective homes to monitor the developments because it is our struggle. We hope everyone, some of you are back, we now show that we are responsible citizens. Not only thinking about yourself but thinking about everything. Agree? ” he said.

(man / knv)

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