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Meeting at the G7 summit: Merkel draws a positive conclusion after talking to Biden

Carbis Bay –

Chancellor Angela Merkel drew a positive conclusion from her first direct talks with the new US President Joe Biden. The atmosphere during the deliberations at the G7 summit in Cornwall, England, was very cooperative and characterized by mutual interest. “There are very good, constructive and also very lively discussions in the sense that we are responsive to each other,” said Merkel on Saturday on the sidelines of the meeting in an online press conference. “What is special about this G7 format here is that there is simply a very open and not so formal discussion atmosphere.”

Merkel had previously met Biden on the sidelines of the summit to exchange ideas. Because of the corona pandemic, it was the first physical meeting of the two in their closest circle. Previously, due to the corona pandemic, consultations were only possible via video or telephone conference. With Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump, there had often been difficult negotiations in the G7 because of his “America first” policy. The personal relationship between Merkel and Trump was also strained because of the US President’s policies.

Expected to return to the White House for the first time in three years

Biden spoke in a tweet on Saturday evening of a “great meeting” with Merkel. “The ties between our two nations are stronger than ever – and I look forward to welcoming you to the White House next month to continue our work,” wrote the US President. Biden invited Merkel to visit the White House in Washington on Friday, July 15. The Chancellor is expected to return to the White House in Washington for the first time in more than three years.

Merkel said after the conversation that she had talked to Biden mainly about his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin this Wednesday in Geneva. This was also a topic in the G7 group. You have exchanged your respective points of view. She also spoke with Biden about the NATO summit on Monday and the situation in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of US troops. The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline was also an issue. We are “on the right track” here. She agrees with Biden that it is “existential and indispensable” for Ukraine to continue to participate in the gas transit from Russia to Europe.

Restart after low point

Three weeks ago, Biden’s government had partially given up its years of resistance to the controversial pipeline between Russia and Germany and waived sanctions against the operating company – also out of consideration for relations with Germany.

On photos tweeted by government spokesman Steffen Seibert you can see the Chancellor and the President sitting opposite each other on a terrace during their meeting. Also at the table are Merkel’s foreign policy advisor Jan Hecker and Biden’s national security advisor Jake Sullivan.

Merkel and Biden are striving for a new start after the low point in German-American relations during Trump’s time. Unlike Trump, Biden leaves no doubt about how important the relationship with Germany is to him. The visit to Washington is likely to be one of Merkel’s last trips as Chancellor. After the general election on September 26, she will step down as head of government.

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