Home » today » Entertainment » Meet the Three Actor-level Actors Who Remain Indifferent to Fame and Fortune: He Bing, Li Baotian, and Fu Dalong

Meet the Three Actor-level Actors Who Remain Indifferent to Fame and Fortune: He Bing, Li Baotian, and Fu Dalong

Article source: Film and Television Heroes on 2024-04-05 09:23:20 – The news is taken from major news media. The news content does not represent the position of this website!

Can you remain indifferent to fame and fortune under the flashlight?
In this era of prevalent money worship, artists in the entertainment industry seem to have absolutely nothing to do with the term “indifferent to fame and fortune.”
High income, comfortable life and countless overwhelming exposure seem to be their life goals.

However, there are still three actor-level actors who, in this land of pursuing fame and wealth, stay out of the world, treat worldly honors indifferently, and devote themselves to the performing arts.
They are He Bing, Li Baotian and Fu Dalong.

“He Bing, if you continue to ruin your studies like this, what will you do in the future?” He Bing still remembered his father’s words. The disappointment in his tone was more hurtful than any punishment.
As a primary school student with excellent grades, He Bing’s high school entrance examination scores plummeted, surprising both his parents and teachers.
In fact, He Bing himself knew very well that the tremendous academic pressure he faced had exceeded the limit that a child could bear.

I get up early every day to recite classical Chinese, and make up for math lessons after school. Even weekends are occupied by various specialty classes and interest groups.
He Bing felt like a high-speed machine, numbly and mechanically repeating every step of the order.
“I’ve had enough.” One day, He Bing broke down and yelled at her parents.
“I don’t want to study like this anymore! I hate this life!” He threw down the textbook and rushed out of the door.
At this moment, He Bing chose to give up and choose himself.
He realized that grades and awards no longer meant anything to him. All he longed for was a more relaxed study life and more time for himself.
After accidentally watching a drama, He Bing seemed to have found a new direction in life.
The dedicated and passionate performances of the actors on the stage ignited the burning dream in his heart – I want to be an actor! Parents were visibly furious when they learned of the decision.

For a child who had not graduated from junior high school to pursue his dream of acting, this was simply a fantasy in the eyes of people at the time.
He Bing did not flinch this time.
He left home without hesitation to join an amateur drama troupe and began a life of self-reliance.
In the beginning, every day was full of challenges for He Bing.
He had to play every small role while also assisting with moving props.
When he couldn’t remember the lines, he would recite them alone until late at night.
In order to exercise, he insists on running in the cold wind every day.
This kind of joyful life made him feel more fulfilled and happy than ever before.
Although life is difficult, He Bing feels that he is much freer and happier than before.
He could finally live his life on his own terms, no longer surrounded by parents and teachers asking him to do this or that.

Slowly, He Bing established a firm foothold in the drama troupe and began to take on more major roles.
In 1996, he was admitted to the Performance Department of the Central Academy of Drama and officially began systematic actor training.
Unlike many other students, He Bing’s pursuit of acting skills is almost demanding.
He studied a lot of Soviet performance theory and thought over every detail.
After graduation, he soon had his first screen role in the movie “Bathing”, for which he was nominated for the Chinese Drama Stage Newcomer Award.
This was the first highlight of his acting career.
Looking back many years later, He Bing does not regret his courage to pursue his dreams with all his might.
Although the road to acting is full of thorns, the dazzling lights on the stage and the sincere applause of the audience made him feel unprecedentedly happy and fulfilled.

This kind of spiritual satisfaction is far better than any vanity that money and fame can bring.

“If I just want to copy and act the original work and refuse the actors to use their imagination, then I can only say sorry and not film this movie.” In 1994, Li Baotian expressed his attitude righteously in the face of the script that he had been writing endlessly.
This spirit of adhering to principles has also become a major feature of his acting career.
It turns out that Li Baotian’s career as an actor was not smooth.
At the age of 14, he left home without hesitation to join a theater troupe and began a life of self-reliance.
The life of the troupe was far from being as beautiful and romantic as he imagined. Instead, it was full of hard work and hardship.

In order to survive, he had to endure harsh working conditions and long hours of physical labor.
To make matters worse, due to malnutrition and fatigue, Li Baotian contracted typhoid fever, which almost killed him.
When Li Baotian finally returned to the troupe, an even greater tragedy struck.
News came that his younger brother had died unexpectedly in the Xinjiang border defense force.
For a young man who has just passed the critical point of life and death, this is undoubtedly a devastating blow.
However, what made him blame himself even more was that he could not even attend his brother’s funeral because he had been away for a long time.
This abnormal pain and regret almost swallowed up Li Baotian.
He began to question himself, what qualifications does a person who cannot protect his family have to stand on the stage?

This series of misfortunes did not defeat Li Baotian. On the contrary, they ignited his determination to avenge his relatives.
He returned to the stage and devoted all his passion to the exploration of performing arts.
In the performance “Farewell My Concubine”, Li Baotian conducted a lot of research on the performance details in Sichuan Opera and used this to interpret a three-dimensional and delicate character.
This not only gave him a career boost, but also gave him spiritual comfort.
Perhaps, this is the only thing he can do for his deceased relatives.
Many years later, when someone asked Li Baotian why he had such high requirements for acting, he smiled slightly and slowly talked about the unknown and difficult journey when he was young.
He said that it was those difficult times that shaped his character as an actor and made him understand that no matter how difficult the environment was, he could not give up his persistence and pursuit of art.

Today, when film and television ratings and box office results are soaring, many artists dream of being on this halo-like stage.
However, in the 1980s, the actor’s career was not as enviable as it is now.
Children of that era did not care about the fame and fortune on the screen, but paid more attention to the happiness that the stage itself can bring.
In 1984, 8-year-old Fu Dalong made his first appearance in the movie “Win the Lottery”.
Perhaps the thought “I will become a film actor” never crossed his mind, but he accepted the opportunity simply to please his parents and teachers.
However, chance often determines a person’s fate.

This guest appearance made Fu Dalong take a drama acting class, which opened the door to the road of acting.
Unlike many other child stars, Fu Dalong is not obsessed with the glories of the entertainment industry.
As an excellent student, he balanced his studies and performance, and finally graduated from the Acting Department of Beijing Film Academy with straight A’s.
This not only demonstrates his excellent knowledge, but also illustrates Fu Dalong’s indifferent and conscientious professional attitude.
The first few years after graduation were not easy for him.
During the trough period, in order to make a living, he had to work as a teacher, deliver food, and even help as a cook in a small restaurant.
These bleak years did not break Fu Dalong’s tenacity.
On the contrary, his rich life experience has made him make great progress in his acting skills.

Someone asked him if he regretted his choice back then. Fu Dalong smiled and shook his head.
He said that it was those years of struggle that made him understand the true meaning of life.
It made Fu Dalong understand that no matter how difficult the environment is, he cannot give up his love for performing arts.
In 2006, in the TV series “Tengu” adapted from the famous novel, the tragic aspect played by Fu Dalong deeply moved the audience and won him a huge popularity.
From this moment on, he officially entered the ranks of movie kings.
When someone asked him about his future goals, Fu Dalong smiled lightly and said that he had already got everything he wanted.
Money and status are nothing to him. Only persistence and love for art are his true destination in the life of an actor.

In the final analysis, what makes an actor outstanding is not only his acting skills, but also his attitude towards life.
Those who pursue fame and fortune may succeed for a while, but they will never last long; while those actors who are indifferent to pearls and devote themselves to art can realize the true meaning of life.
We hope that in this age of materialistic desires, more actors like He Bing, Li Baotian and Fu Dalong will appear who are dedicated to their craft.

Because, no matter how the times change, persistence and pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty are the immortal parts of human civilization.
As Fu Dalong said in his acceptance speech: “I am not pursuing so-called success, because I firmly believe that if a person obtains peace deep in his soul, that is the best state in the world.”

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