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Meet Pierre Anken: The Upper Valais Green Party Candidate for the National Council

Pierre Anken is a National Council candidate for the Upper Valais Green Party. He wants to represent the values ​​of the Greens for the canton of Valais in the National Council.


the essentials in brief

  • The Upper Valais Greens want to win a National Council seat with Pierre Anken.
  • He serves on the board of the Upper Valais Green Party.
  • The climate, education and health issues are important to him.

Pierre Anken is running for the Upper Valais Greens in the 2023 National Council elections. So far, only Christophe Clivaz from the Lower Valais Greens is in the National Council for the canton. In addition to climate protection, Anken wants to pay particular attention to the area of ​​education. In the interview he comments on his candidacy.

Nau.ch: What are your political priorities?

Pierre Anken: The topics of education and climate are very important to me. Education is important to me because I continue my education and give courses in this area. The climate is important to me because it is a key challenge for a livable future that we must tackle.

Nau.ch: Why do you want to be in the National Council?

The appeal: My goal is to support the values ​​and ideas of the Green Party to ensure a future worth living for everyone. Issues such as affordable healthcare and equality for all are important.

Nau.ch: How big is your campaign budget?

The appeal: I don’t have a personal budget for the campaign. I invest a lot of time and energy.

Nau.ch: What political challenge in Switzerland would you tackle first after your election and how?

The appeal: The recurring shortage of teachers at all levels of education is a major challenge. I think it is important to support these jobs with appropriate salaries and teaching resources. We train tomorrow’s young people today!

Do you see a great need for action regarding the shortage of teachers?

Nau.ch: What else would you like to tell voters?

The appeal: There are many key issues related to health and education that we need to support. To do this, we absolutely need your support.

To person: Pierre Anken is a board member of the Oberwall Green Party and works as an ICT system engineer. He currently lives in Glis VS and is running for the Greens in the canton of Valais in the 2023 National Council elections.



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National CouncilEnergyGreens

2023-10-14 02:21:57
#Pierre #Anken #Greens #Education #climate #important

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