Niels Groeneveld has been a nurse at the surgical nursing wing of the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek for three years now. His height of about two meters, full, thick beard and attentive, focused look make him a proud appearance. “The surgical department is a very hopeful department,” Niels begins. “Here are people who have been operated on for a tumor in the abdomen. You see a lot of people here with a lot of strength and hope because they have been helped with their problem. Most people get out of bed and walk out the door and then move on with their lives. And of course, they are sick, but then we are there to support them and give them the resources and confidence to go home again. I am also very much a surgical nurse you could say; I like to see action-reaction, see what happens and react to it. That you see that what you do has a positive effect. So I find it really satisfying when I see someone getting better. I think that’s really wonderful.
2023-06-30 10:27:41
#Interview #Niels #Groeneveld #Nurse #AVL